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Podstawy pielęgniarstwa - opis przedmiotu

Informacje ogólne
Nazwa przedmiotu Podstawy pielęgniarstwa
Kod przedmiotu 12.6-WL-PielP-PODSTA
Wydział Wydział Lekarski i Nauk o Zdrowiu
Kierunek WLiNZ - oferta ERASMUS / Pielęgniarstwo
Profil -
Rodzaj studiów Program Erasmus
Semestr rozpoczęcia semestr zimowy 2018/2019
Informacje o przedmiocie
Semestr 2
Liczba punktów ECTS do zdobycia 14
Typ przedmiotu obowiązkowy
Język nauczania angielski
Sylabus opracował
Formy zajęć
Forma zajęć Liczba godzin w semestrze (stacjonarne) Liczba godzin w tygodniu (stacjonarne) Liczba godzin w semestrze (niestacjonarne) Liczba godzin w tygodniu (niestacjonarne) Forma zaliczenia
Wykład 30 2 - - Egzamin
Laboratorium 90 6 - - Zaliczenie na ocenę
Praktyka 120 8 - - Zaliczenie na ocenę
Zajęcia praktyczne 80 5,33 - - Zaliczenie na ocenę
Samokształcenie 15 1 - - Zaliczenie 

Cel przedmiotu

Acquiring the knowledge and the ability from the independent scope of  looking after and performing the functions in professional nursings: protective, rehabilitative, therapeutic etc.

Wymagania wstępne

Bases of biology, chemistry, physics on the secondary-school graduation level.

Zakres tematyczny


  1. Process of looking after in the world and in Poland. The process of looking after, as the method of the work with the individual, family, group of people. The process of looking after, as the method of the work with the patient.
  2. Nursing diagnosis. Accumulation of data for determining the state bio-psycho - of social man from different of sources. Individual nursing.
  3. The participation and the responsibility of the nurse in the process of diagnosing, treatments and of rehabilitation. The hospital, as the environment of the patient. Nursing action towards the patient in the bio-psycho-social aspect.
  4. Nursing action assigned to the prevention of complications associated with diagnostic, healing action and rehabilitation.
  5. Cooperation of the nurse in the drug treatment of patients. Performing treatments and giving of medicines with different ways; through the, respiratory, urinary digestive system, with means of injecting, to the skin and mucous membranes. Applying treatments against inflammable.
  6. Evaluation of the state, identifying nursing problems at patients with disorders of functioning of organs and of arrangements: of thermoregulation, as amended on the skin, in it with bedsores, of the cardiovascular system and respiratory, nutritional, urinary, nervous (unconscious sick person), of organs of the senses of sight and the hearing), suffering because of pain, dyings and planning the care.


  1. Evaluation of basic practical activities of the man.
  2. Evaluation of the condition of the general patient
  3. The measurement of the height and body weights.
  4. Preparing the sick person for basic diagnostic investigations: taking up smear tests, spit, faeces, urine for the general and bacteriological examination, to the level of sugar and acetone.
  5. Surgeon's washing hands.
  6. Preparation of a package, of dressing table.
  7. Making the dressing of the wound "clean", "dirty".
  8. Puncture of the bone marrow.
  9. Lumbar puncture.
  10. Puncture of the abdominal cavity.
  11. Puncture of the pleural cavity.
  12. Giving medicines by the digestive system, respiratory, urinal, sexual, the skin and mucous membranes (giving of medicines orally; passing suppositories; get tight of medicine to nose, ear, eye;
  13. Preventing infection during kaniulacji lived in case of intravenous infusions and some diagnostic examinations.
  14. Preventing complications in the process of looking after (bedsores, chafes).
  15. Giving medicines with road to tissue, of hypodermic injection and intracutaneous.
  16. The hematherapy and requirements of blood-healing.
  17. Inhalations, giving oxygen; inserting the medicine by the probang; inserting the medicine into urinary-sexual routes). Outside use of medicines and of dressings (putting ointment and creams, making dressings, applying talcum powders and powders in the bed).
  18. Administering first aid - arranging in the recovery position. Arraying anti-shake. Cardiopulmonary resuscitation - restoring the respiratory tract of patency and restoring the respiratory activity, and applying portable devices for the artificial respiration.
  19. Outside massage of the heart at children and adults. Ways of staunching bleeding - blocking a nosebleed, direct pressure, tourniquet.
  20. Acting in case of biting and stinging by insects and animals. Acting in the case of damaging the eye.
  21. The lavage of the eye and ears.
  22. Nursing the patient with the tracheotomy.
  23. First aid before seeing doctor.
  24. Posthumous toilet.



The self-education includes contents from the given literature on the subject. Preparing the work is a condition of the credit

written to chosen subjects.



They include the forming of essential practical skills and ethical attitudes essential to providing the nursing care satisfying the needs in health problems, staying sick persons at the hospital. Participation of the nurses in diagnosis, treatment, rehabilitation. Nursing in different disease entities. Planning the care nursing - process of looking after.

  1. Acquainting the student with the place of undergoing the practical, the topography of the branch and the equipment. Cognition of labour organization in the medical ward and of tasks of therapeutic team members. Competent establishing the contact with the sick person and his family and therapeutic team members. Preventing hospital infection.
  2. Active participation in admitting the sick person to hospital. And in his adaptation to hospital settings. Carrying of interview with the sick person. Observation of the condition of the patient. The measurement and the registration of the value of basic bodily functions.
  3. Observation of preparing the sick person for support and specialist diagnostic investigations.
  4. Identifying health needs, of nursing problems of the ill man and planning the care. Of the correct respiration, feeding, expelling, the safety, the convenience, the personal hygiene and surroundings, of move and of rest based on theoretical guidelines of the nursing v. Henderson.
  5. Documenting nursing the sick person for giving medicines subcutaneously (insulin, preparations of the heparin), with road of the respiratory system (oxygen, inhalations), through skin (compresses).
  6. Participation in chosen elements of the rehabilitation - respiratory.
  1. Observing and participating in discharging the sick person from hospital.
  2. Providing the nursing according to ethical principles and legal.
  3. Organising the own work and the participation in organising the work.

Metody kształcenia

Conventional lecture, class at the studio of the nursing, practical methods - exercise, discussion, display, method of cases.

Efekty uczenia się i metody weryfikacji osiągania efektów uczenia się

Opis efektu Symbole efektów Metody weryfikacji Forma zajęć

Warunki zaliczenia

The active presence at classes and mastering material and abilities predicted in the program. To contain the final test there will be 60 questions, 60% of correct answers to the pass mark.

Lecture - after producing the part of material of the test final in and and the II semester in forms dependent on contents. Tests consisting of 20 questions, to the pass mark of the 60% of correct answers or questions opened with spot thresholds from 0-5. Positive evaluations from tests are constituting the basis of receiving a credit for a course and allowing to sit an exam.


Exercises - ranking with the evaluation

  1. written tests in the form test
  2. the evaluation of performed treatments in the knowledge and abilities
  3. practical credit final: drawing cases and treatments (after and and the II semester).
  4. is lacking ranking exercises in and semester is making it impossible to continue exercises on the consecutive semester.



Realized plots as part of the self-education will be verified by ranking the dissertation to the subject chosen issues of issues from the scope discussed (in the process of assessing the put stress will be special on competent applying notional categories to get to know and using diversified sources). The classified work is a credit without evaluations.


A student which has passed exercises is setting about to the practical and is allowed to sit an exam.

Practical - ranking with the evaluation among the examination

  1. ranking the ability,
  2. documenting nursing the sick person,
  3. ranking individual subjects of classes,
  4. compulsory active attendance in all classes.

Traineeship - it is being carried out by students which ranked the practical for the positive evaluation, is held in hospital and exploiting the knowledge and abilities get as part of lectures, exercises and the practical includes. The final evaluation will be an arithmetic mean of evaluations from the examination, exercises and the practical.

Literatura podstawowa

  1. Ciechaniewicz W. (red.): Pielęgniarstwo. PZWL, Warszawa 2005.
  2. Ciechaniewicz W. (red.): Pielęgniarstwo. Ćwiczenia. PZWL, Warszawa 2001.
  3. Zahradniczek K. (red.): Pielęgniarstwo PZWL, Warszawa 2005.
  4. Kózka M., Płaszewska – Żywko L.(red): Procedury pielęgniarskie. PZWL, Warszawa 2009.
  5. Kózka M., Płaszewska-Żywko L. (red.): Diagnozy i interwencje pielęgniarskie. Podręcznik dla studiów medycznych. Warszawa 2008.
  6. Ślusarska B., Zarzycka D., Zahradniczek K.(red): Podstawy pielęgniarstwa. Czelej, Lublin 2004.
  7. Betty J. Ackley, Gail B. Ladwig, Podręcznik diagnoz pielęgniarskich, Warszawa 2010.
  8. Ciechaniewicz W., Grochans E., Łoś E.: Wstrzyknięcia śródskórne, podskórne, domięśniowe i dożylne. Warszawa 2006.
  9. Chrząszczewska A.: Bandażowanie. Warszawa 1996.
  10. Huber A. Karasek Kreutzinger B. Jobin-Howald U. Kompendium pielegniarstwo, PZWL Warszawa 1995.
  11. B. Ślusarska, D. Zarzycka, K. Zahradniczek. Podstawy pielęgniarstwa, Tom I i II, Założenia teoretyczne, Wydawnictwo Lekarskie PZWL, Warszawa 2011.

Literatura uzupełniająca

  1. Sturm A., Largiader F., Wicki O.(red): Kompedium pielęgniarstwa. PZWL, Warszawa 1995.
  2. Kózka M.(red. Wydania polskiego): Pielęgniarstwo.Elsevier Urban & Partner, Wrocław 2011.
  3. Huber A., Karasek-Kreutzinger B., Jobin-Howald U., Kompendium pielęgniarstwa PZWL Warszawa 1995.
  4. Bętkowska I.: Wlewy podskórne. Warszawa 2012.
  5. Brożek L.: Wstrzyknięcia i wlewy dożylne. Warszawa 1995.
  6. Dison N.: Technika zabiegów pielęgniarskich. PZWL, Warszawa 1998.
  7. Górajek-Jóźwik J. (red.): Wprowadzenie do diagnozy pielęgniarskiej. Warszawa 2007.
  8. Hildebrand N.: Iniekcje, infuzje, pobieranie krwi. Wrocław 2001.
  9. Szwałkiewicz E.: Zasady podnoszenia i przemieszczania pacjentów. Przewodnik dla pielęgniarek. Wrocław 2000.
  10. Urbanek B. (red.): Zawód pielęgniarki na ziemiach polskich w XIX i XX wieku. Z serii zawody medyczne na ziemiach polskich w XIX i XX wieku. Warszawa 2008.
  11. Widomska-Czekajska T., Górajek-Jóźwik J. (red.): Encyklopedia dla pielęgniarek i położnych. Tom 1, 2, 3, Warszawa 2010.
  12. Wrońska I.: Rola społeczno-zawodowa pielęgniarki. Warszawa 1997.
  13. Ślusarska B., Zarzycka D.: Kultywowanie symboliki w pielęgniarstwie. Lublin 2011.


Zmodyfikowane przez dr Beata Wudarczyk (ostatnia modyfikacja: 27-04-2018 17:11)