Nazwa przedmiotu | Automated Transport and Storage |
Kod przedmiotu | 06.1-WM-ER-MiBM-17_18 |
Wydział | Wydział Mechaniczny |
Kierunek | WM - oferta ERASMUS |
Profil | - |
Rodzaj studiów | Program Erasmus |
Semestr rozpoczęcia | semestr zimowy 2020/2021 |
Semestr | 1 |
Liczba punktów ECTS do zdobycia | 4 |
Typ przedmiotu | obowiązkowy |
Język nauczania | angielski |
Sylabus opracował |
Forma zajęć | Liczba godzin w semestrze (stacjonarne) | Liczba godzin w tygodniu (stacjonarne) | Liczba godzin w semestrze (niestacjonarne) | Liczba godzin w tygodniu (niestacjonarne) | Forma zaliczenia |
Wykład | 30 | 2 | - | - | Egzamin |
Laboratorium | 30 | 2 | - | - | Zaliczenie na ocenę |
Acquainting students with the problems in the field of materials handling and storage, with particular reference to the automation of these processes. Discussion of the problems of packaging and loading units as elements allowing automation. Acquainting students with equipment to enable automated handling and storage - the principles of selection of equipment as well as selected aspects of their operation.
Technological processes, Automation and Robotics.
Lecture content.
The essence of logistics, definitions, origin, the essence of logistics management, the system approach and the process approach in logistics. Characteristics and tasks of the transportation systems. The strategic importance of internal transport. Packaging. Loading units. The dimensional systems of packaging and loading units. Characteristics of machinery and equipment used in the technological transport - automated machines. The use of automated transport trucks in the storage transport. Interoperability in the transport processes. Warehouse Infrastructure, automated warehouse. Transport and storage process automation. Compatibility with automated high-storage warehouse.
Laboratory content:
Packaging design and selection of the dimensions of loading units. Identification of the basic operational, quality and logistics indicators in robotic manipulation of unit loads. Determining of the Cartesian pneumatic manipulator workspace in the implementation of handling functions. Determination of the basic parameters of the selected handling equipment. Load manipulation in the automated picking process of loading units - functions and parameters. Determination of the functional parameters of cargo storage equipment – warehouses.
Lectures with audiovisual aids. Working with the journals.
Individual and group work in laboratory classes. Presentation of solutions, discussion of the obtained solutions.
Opis efektu | Symbole efektów | Metody weryfikacji | Forma zajęć |
Lecture: Assessment of of the course is determined on the basis of ratings for audit work (weight = 0.4) and exam (weight = 0.6).
Assessment of the laboratory is based on: the laboratory exercises and reports/programs resulting from the execution of all exercises to be exercised.
To get a credit the student has to receive all passing grades.
The final grade received by the student is the arithmetic mean of the above grades.
Zmodyfikowane przez dr Katarzyna Skrzypek (ostatnia modyfikacja: 26-04-2020 10:25)