Nazwa przedmiotu | Strategic Management |
Kod przedmiotu | 06.9-WM-ER-ZiIP-28_18 |
Wydział | Wydział Mechaniczny |
Kierunek | WM - oferta ERASMUS |
Profil | - |
Rodzaj studiów | Program Erasmus |
Semestr rozpoczęcia | semestr zimowy 2022/2023 |
Semestr | 2 |
Liczba punktów ECTS do zdobycia | 3 |
Typ przedmiotu | obowiązkowy |
Język nauczania | angielski |
Sylabus opracował |
Forma zajęć | Liczba godzin w semestrze (stacjonarne) | Liczba godzin w tygodniu (stacjonarne) | Liczba godzin w semestrze (niestacjonarne) | Liczba godzin w tygodniu (niestacjonarne) | Forma zaliczenia |
Wykład | 15 | 1 | - | - | Zaliczenie na ocenę |
Ćwiczenia | 15 | 1 | - | - | Zaliczenie na ocenę |
The main objective of the course is to provide knowledge on the methods and tools of strategic analysis and the importance of formulation and implementation the development strategy in a company.
The course constitutes a comprehensive approach to the critical role of strategic analysis and to the formulation of development strategy for a company. The concept, origin and development of strategic management, stages of strategic management, strategic planning methodology, selection methods and tools of strategic analysis: analysis of a further and closer environment (Benchmarking method, Porter's 5 forces method, the PEST method), the analysis of the company's potentials (product life cycle, portfolio methods: McKinsey Matrix, Hofer's Matrix , BCG Matrix, SWOT analysis, strategic balance), the SPACE analysis. Competitive advantage of a company: core competencies, competition in a given sector, a map of strategic groups, the concept of clusters, offering of strategic alliances for the company. Sources of information for strategic analysis: formation and protection of strategic information system in a company. The process of formulation and implementation of development strategies.
The following issues are included in the curriculum of the class activities:
Competitive advantage of a company: core competencies, competition in a given sector, a map of strategic groups, the concept of clusters, offering of strategic alliances for the company.
Conventional lecture. Classes.
Opis efektu | Symbole efektów | Metody weryfikacji | Forma zajęć |
Lecture: graded credit
The rating is issued based on a written test covering the verification of the knowledge of the issues from the curriculum.
Class: graded credit
Assessment: 50%L, 50% Class.
The rating is determined based on the results of the test - evaluation of skills related to the performance of exercise tasks.
Zmodyfikowane przez prof. dr hab. inż. Justyna Patalas-Maliszewska (ostatnia modyfikacja: 25-04-2022 14:26)