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Patient Rights - opis przedmiotu

Informacje ogólne
Nazwa przedmiotu Patient Rights
Kod przedmiotu 14.0-WL-LekAM-PaRigE- 22
Wydział Wydział Lekarski i Nauk o Zdrowiu
Kierunek WLiNZ - oferta ERASMUS / Lekarski
Profil -
Rodzaj studiów jednolite magisterskie sześcioletnie
Semestr rozpoczęcia semestr zimowy 2023/2024
Informacje o przedmiocie
Semestr 3
Liczba punktów ECTS do zdobycia 1
Typ przedmiotu obowiązkowy
Język nauczania polski
Sylabus opracował
  • dr Arkadiusz Nowak
Formy zajęć
Forma zajęć Liczba godzin w semestrze (stacjonarne) Liczba godzin w tygodniu (stacjonarne) Liczba godzin w semestrze (niestacjonarne) Liczba godzin w tygodniu (niestacjonarne) Forma zaliczenia
Seminarium 15 1 - - Zaliczenie na ocenę

Cel przedmiotu

  1. Making the student familiar with the philosophy of patients’ rights in the context of human rights and the sources of regulation of patients’ rights in Poland.
  2. Making the student familiar with the catalog of patients’ rights.
  3. Presentation of possible forms of exercising individual patients’ rights in medical practice.
  4. Making the student familiar with the procedure for assertion of claim as a result of a possible infringement of patients’ rights.
  5. Making the student familiar with the tasks of the Office of the Ombudsman of Patients’ Rights.
  6. Making the student familiar with the activities of patients’ organizations in Poland.

Wymagania wstępne

Knowledge of basic legal concepts in health protection and the foundations of ethics of the profession of doctor.

Zakres tematyczny

  1. Relationship between the term of human rights and patients’ rights.
  2. Legal regulations of patients’ rights in Poland – history and current state.
  3. Right to health care and publicly funded health services.
  4. Right to information and to give consent to health services, including exceptions to the principle of obtaining consent.
  5. Right to confidential treatment of patient-related information, including circumstances excluding confidential treatment.
  6. Right to the opinion of another doctor or to convene a medical case conference.
  7. Right to medical record.
  8. Right to respect for personal intimacy and dignity.
  9. Right to pastoral care and dignified death.
  10. Right to treatment without pain.
  11. Right to assert claims in view of infringement of patients’ rights – mode and institutions.
  12. Obliged entities and health professionals, as implementers of patients’ rights in professional practice.
  13. Role and tasks of the Office of the Ombudsman of Patients’ Rights.
  14. Tasks and mode of work of the Voivodship Commissions for the Ruling on Medical Incidents.
  15. Structure and activity of patient organizations and associations in Poland.
  16. Respect for patients’ rights during the pandemic.

Metody kształcenia

Multimedia presentation, didactic discussion, case method, small group exercises.

Efekty uczenia się i metody weryfikacji osiągania efektów uczenia się

Opis efektu Symbole efektów Metody weryfikacji Forma zajęć

Warunki zaliczenia

The condition for taking a course credit test as part of the exercises is active participation in the classes and passing the final test in the written form. The test contains 40 single choice questions. 4 hours of justified absence are allowed. The substantive scope of classes related to absence must be complemented as part of direct consultations with the lecturer.

Percentages for grades: 95-100% = 5.0 88-94% = 4.5 75-87% = 4.0 68-74% = 3.5 60-67% = 3.0 0-59% = 2.0


In cases of absence from the classes, the Student should make up for the deficiencies within the time limit agreed upon with the lecturer as part of the consultations. The regulations regarding the conditions of taking a course credit test are equivalent to those of taking a course credit test directly, subject to the possibility of making changes if it is necessary to switch to taking a course credit test remotely within the statutory time, before the beginning of the examinations. Other regulations not mentioned above are specified in the Study Regulations of the University of Zielona Góra

Literatura podstawowa

  1. Ustawa z dnia 06 listopada 2008 o prawach pacjenta i rzeczniku praw pacjenta z późn. zmianami – tekst jednolity DZ. U. 2017 poz. 1318
  2. Karkowska Dorota, Ustawa o prawach pacjenta i rzeczniku praw pacjenta. Komentarz. Wolters Kluwer Polska Kraków 2016
  3. k Tomasz, Hajdukiewicz Dariusz, Lekarz a prawa pacjenta. Poradnik prawny. Wolters Kluwer Polska 2016

Literatura uzupełniająca

  1. Pacian Jolanta, Prawna ochrona zdrowia pacjenta. PZWL Warsaw 2017
  2. Karkowska Dorota, Chojnacki Jacek, Postępowanie przed wojewódzką komisją ds. orzekania o zdarzeniach medycznych. Wolters Kluwer Polska Kraków 2014
  3. Organizacje Pacjentów w Polsce. Raport z badań 2017, Instytut Praw Pacjenta i Edukacji Zdrowotnej, 2017


Zmodyfikowane przez dr Arkadiusz Nowak (ostatnia modyfikacja: 12-05-2023 11:05)