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Elective Subject - SARS-Cov-2 in questions and answers - opis przedmiotu

Informacje ogólne
Nazwa przedmiotu Elective Subject - SARS-Cov-2 in questions and answers
Kod przedmiotu 12.9-WL-LekAM-ElSub-SarsE- 22
Wydział Wydział Lekarski i Nauk o Zdrowiu
Kierunek WLiNZ - oferta ERASMUS / Lekarski
Profil -
Rodzaj studiów jednolite magisterskie sześcioletnie
Semestr rozpoczęcia semestr zimowy 2023/2024
Informacje o przedmiocie
Semestr 7
Liczba punktów ECTS do zdobycia 2
Typ przedmiotu obowiązkowy
Język nauczania polski
Sylabus opracował
  • prof. dr hab. n. med. Maria Gańczak
Formy zajęć
Forma zajęć Liczba godzin w semestrze (stacjonarne) Liczba godzin w tygodniu (stacjonarne) Liczba godzin w semestrze (niestacjonarne) Liczba godzin w tygodniu (niestacjonarne) Forma zaliczenia
Ćwiczenia 15 1 - - Zaliczenie 

Cel przedmiotu

The aim of the course is to prepare the student to correctly obtain and interpret information regarding the SARS-CoV-2 pandemic in the context of the role played by medical staff in the aspect of communication with the patient / society and to use the acquired knowledge to plan and conduct an epidemiological study. Particular emphasis will be placed on the use of information from reliable sources, including evidence-based medicine.

1. Acquisition of skills necessary for the correct interpretation of information regarding the SARS-Cov-2 pandemic, such as:
- Searching for professional literature on selected issues
- Correct interpretation of information obtained from professional literature
2. Planning a scientific study on SARS-CoV-2, including
- determining the study objective and research hypotheses
- selection of methods, techniques and research tools
- documents for the bioethics committee, funding of the study
- elements affecting the proper conduct of the study
- principles and forms of presenting results

Wymagania wstępne

Knowledge of epidemiology in the field of medical studies.

Zakres tematyczny

The program of the course includes 10 three-hour meetings, which will take place once a week and will take the form of seminars (1 hour) conducted by a leading assistant and workshops (2 hours). The workshops will be conducted in the form of the developed tasks for self-resolution by students (studying literature; preparing a project, multimedia presentation, research report, abstract, speech at a conference).
Seminar topics:
1. What do we know?
SARS-CoV-2 pandemic in the epidemiological and clinical context.
2. What do we want to know? What can be done to ensure that the information obtained about SARS-CoV-2 is based on scientific evidence?
Formulating a topic and asking a question. Searching for professional literature on SARS-CoV-2 issues using databases, MEDLINE, Scopus, Google Scholar: original papers, review papers, meta-analyses. Using the ranking of scientific publications, including the assessment of the impact factor (IF). Critical analysis of research based on the research question, including interpretation of the results of epidemiological and clinical studies.

Subject of the exercises:
1. How to plan your own study on SARS-CoV-2?
- selection of research methods
- precise determination of the study time divided into stages
- study population, sampling
- research tool; constructing a questionnaire, method of distribution, pilotage
2. How do I raise funds to fund my research?
- Calculation of costs, search for possible sources of financing (university funds, grants, local government funds, sponsors).
- Writing an application to the bioethics committee
3. How to collect data correctly?
- data collection; the most common mistakes and methods of reducing them.
- constructing databases.
- ways of analyzing the results obtained
4. How do I publish the results of my study?
- Presenting research results – writing an article, publishing, posters, oral presentations.
- Scientific writing – stages of publication preparation.
- Review process.
- Journal selection.
- Preparation of abstract and manuscript.

5. Why is it important to communicate with the patient/public to effectively promote the latest scientific findings on SARS-CoV-2, including the results of my study? How to do it?
- Preparation of oral presentation
- Preparation of a press release
- Poster preparation
After completing the course, the student will
- know the environmental conditions that led to the SARS-CoV-2 epidemic,
- be able to interpret epidemiological data on infections with this virus taking into account the geographical range of its occurrence and determine the causes, symptoms, principles of diagnosis and therapeutic and preventive management in COVID-19 disease.
- have knowledge of social factors influencing population behavior in the era of the SARS-CoV-2 pandemic.
- be able to plan and conduct a scientific study based on a critical analysis of the medical literature and using the basics of evidence-based medicine.
Knowing and understanding the principles of health promotion, with particular emphasis on preventive measures in infectious diseases, he will be able to apply the obtained research results in practice to reduce the transmission of SARS-Co V-2 in the population.

Metody kształcenia

The exercises will take place in groups of 5 people in the didactic room of the Department of Infectious Diseases / in the Medical Simulation Center CM UZ.
Consultations: information on the dates of the consultations will be placed on the website and the Collegium Medicum platform.

Efekty uczenia się i metody weryfikacji osiągania efektów uczenia się

Opis efektu Symbole efektów Metody weryfikacji Forma zajęć

Warunki zaliczenia

Passing the clinic-based classes:
In cases of absence, the student should fill in the gaps in the form and date agreed with the lecturer, no later than one week before the end of the semester.
Final exam: in writing (single-choice test, 60 closed questions).
Note: Due to the current epidemiological situation regarding the SARS-CoV-2 pandemic, it is reserved to introduce changes in the event.
The clinic-based classes will not cover all the required material, students who depend on course notes alone will be handicapped. Studying and reading material from textbooks and monographs is essential to success.
Obtaining 60% of the points possible to obtain is a condition for passing the lectures. To pass the review test student must score more than 59% positive answers. When scores:

0% - 59% gets unsatisfactory (2.0) and fails the lectures test
- 60% - 67% gets satisfactory ( 3.0 )
- 68 % - 75% gets fairly good ( 3.5)
- 76 % - 84% gets good ( 4.0 )
- 85 % - 93% gets better than good ( 4.5 )
- 94% - 100% gets very good ( 5.0 )
Workshops: obtaining positive grades from all classes to be carried out as part of the program. The planning and conducting a simple scientific study and the interpretation of its results are also subject to final evaluation, as well as Critical Analysis of Scientific Literature.
The final grade is the arithmetic mean of the lectures and workshops. The results of the arithmetic mean are determined according to the principle: the mean of 3.0-3.24 is the final grade of 3.0; an average of 3.25-3.74 is a final grade of 3.5; an average of 3.75-4.24 is a final grade of 4.0; an average of 4.25-4.74 is a final grade of 4.5; an average of 4.75-5.0 is a final score of 5.0.
A retake exam (second term of an exam) may be in the written or oral form (test or open task or oral exam).
Students will be allowed to make up missed first term of the final exam if, and only if, they are excused in advance by the course coordinator. Special consideration will be given in the case of unanticipated and excused emergencies such as accident, sudden serious illness, etc.
For students who passed second term of final exam (a make-up exam) final exam grade is calculated as an arithmetic mean of two grades.

Literatura podstawowa

1. Supino P.G., Borer J.S. Principles of Research Methodology: A Guide for Clinical Investigators. Springer, NY, 2012. 2. Laake P., Benestad H, Olsen B. Research in Medical and Biological Sciences. Elsevier. 2015
Supplementary Literature
1. Kallestinova ED. How to write your first research paper. Yale J Biol Med. 2011; 84(3): 181-90.
2. Bourne PE. Ten simple rules for making good oral presentations. PLoS Comput Biol 2007;3(4):e77.

Literatura uzupełniająca


Zmodyfikowane przez dr Justyna Mazurek-Popczyk (ostatnia modyfikacja: 25-05-2023 20:57)