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Anesthesiology and Intensive Care - opis przedmiotu

Informacje ogólne
Nazwa przedmiotu Anesthesiology and Intensive Care
Kod przedmiotu 12.0-WL-LekAM-AnyInCaE- 22
Wydział Wydział Lekarski i Nauk o Zdrowiu
Kierunek WLiNZ - oferta ERASMUS / Lekarski
Profil -
Rodzaj studiów jednolite magisterskie sześcioletnie
Semestr rozpoczęcia semestr zimowy 2023/2024
Informacje o przedmiocie
Semestr 9
Liczba punktów ECTS do zdobycia 5
Typ przedmiotu obowiązkowy
Język nauczania polski
Sylabus opracował
Formy zajęć
Forma zajęć Liczba godzin w semestrze (stacjonarne) Liczba godzin w tygodniu (stacjonarne) Liczba godzin w semestrze (niestacjonarne) Liczba godzin w tygodniu (niestacjonarne) Forma zaliczenia
Wykład 30 2 - - Egzamin
Zajęcia kliniczne 45 3 - - Zaliczenie na ocenę

Cel przedmiotu

Aim of the course is to acquire abilities to prepare the patient to the procedure in anesthesia, the postoperative care and patient's monitoring - perioperative and during medical emergencies; knowledge of indications for ICU (Intensive Care Unit) admission; treatment of acute and chronic pain. Acquainting the student with the latest medical achievements in Anesthesiology and Intensive Care. Acquiring basic abilities in conducting medical reaserch and adding those abilities and medical knowledge with clinical evidences. Students are provided with basic information regarding general and regional anesthesia. Clinical casses are conducted in operative rooms and Clinical Intensive Care Unit in University Hospital (and it's subdivisions), where students, under supervision of the physician leading the class, may assist in procedures done in anesthesiology, intensive care regarding ex. anesthesiology procedures (endotracheal intubation, central veins cannulation, regional anesthesia and others) and intensive care treatment (mechanical ventilation, extracorporeal treatments - CRRT, ECMO) and other. Students are able to assess patients general state before anesthesia with an emphasis on anamnesis and physical examination. Students are taught anesthetic techniques, principles of of direct perioperative and postoperative care and treatment of acute postoperative pain. Students are monitoring patients' vital signs and interpreting the results. They assess patients' mental awarness, intensity of pain, respiratory and cardiovascular efficiency. In intensive care unit students are acquinted with diagnostics' and treatment of acute cardiovascular and respiratory distress in shock and taught how and when to use mechanical ventilation and monitoring devices and other intensive care procedures. During classes students are provided with direct contact with the patient. Students are taught with possibilities of treatment multiorgan failure, ectracorporeal techniques, their goals and efficiency.

Wymagania wstępne

Knowledge of anatomy, physiology, pathophysiology, pathomorphology, internal medicine propaedeutics, pediatric propaedeutics, laboratory diagnostics, chceked by pre- test before clinical classes

Zakres tematyczny

1. Informed conset to anesthesia; informed consent, medical history and documentation, Helsinkis' declaration for informed anesthesia. 2. Is capable of providing definition of general anesthesia, characterise periods of anesthesia, describe critiria of depth of anesthesia. 3. Describe in details preoperative examination and risk of procedure of anesthesia and operation. 4. Describe and proceed with preoperative care and patients' preparation, knows principles of premedication visit, devices and drugs used in general anesthesia; knows perioperative anestehsia risk scale. 5. Knows construcion of anesthesia apparatus and their function. 6. Describes possible ways to conduct anesthesia. 7. Knows and describes drugs used in anesthesia. 8. Describes ways of drugs administration. 9. Describes stages of anesthesia. 10. List complications of anesthesia. 11. Anesthesia in places other than operating room. 12. principles of ERAS protocol. 13. Principles of PSH concept, regional anesthesia. 14. Gives definition and describes division of general anesthesia. 15. Justifies a choice of anesthesia and describes it's indications and contraindications. 16. Describes drugs used in local anesthesia. 17. Characterises farmacodynamics and farmacokinetics. 18. Describes preparation for regional anesthesia and assissts in the procedure. 19. Describes complications of pain treatment. 20. Defines and categorize pain. 21. Describes application of local analgesics and blockage and chooses them. 22. Devides analgetics' and chooses. 23. Describes organization and exercises of acute pain treatment team. 24. Anesthesia for cesarean section (emergency, elective). 25. Differences in postresuscitative care in preagnant women and principles of cardiac arrest prevention in pregnant women. 26. Modern way of regional anesthesia. 27. Complications during and after regional anesthesia (central block). 28. Physiological changes during pregnancy; cardiovascular system, respiratory system, gastrointestinal system, genitourinary system, neurological and hematological changes. 29. Placental drug transfer. 30. Safety of chosen analgetics for the featus- recommendations. 31. Principles of anesthesia of preagnant woman for non-pregnancy related procedures. Anesthesia complications and problems in children. 32. Preoperative assessment of newborns, infants and children in Anesthetic Counselling Clinic. Principles of feeding and children premedication before surgical procedure. 33. Anatomical, physiological, pharmacodynamic and pharmacokinetic differences in newborns, infants and children. 34. Newborns, infants and children moitoring during general and regional anesthesia. 35. Types of anesthesia in children: sedation, VIMA, TIVA, regional anesthesia, combined anesthesia. Indications, contraindications, anesthetic drugs pharmacology, waking up and discharge from operating room. 36. Cardiopulmonary resuscitation. 37. Defines postresuscitative state. 38 Therapeutic hypothermia. 39. Declaring human death and cerebral death. 40. Extracorporeal treatment in ICU. 41. USG examination in anesthesiology and intensive care.


Metody kształcenia

Clinical classes are conducted in students' groups in operating rooms of every operating blocks of University Hospital, intensive care unit of University Hospital and ambulatory care of University Hospital: ambulatory pain treatment, ambulatory preoperative care. Classes are also condutced (or possible to conduct) in simulation center. Lectures are presented in for of multimedial presentation. Seminaries- introduction to clinical classes, cases analysis, problem resolving.

Efekty uczenia się i metody weryfikacji osiągania efektów uczenia się

Opis efektu Symbole efektów Metody weryfikacji Forma zajęć

Warunki zaliczenia

Preparing for clinical classess will be verified in oral or descriptive form. Final exam will be performed as test. To pass the exam student has to acquire 36 points for 60 points (60%). To attempt the exam, student has to positively end seminaries and clinical classes. The final exam is based on knowledge from lectures and clinical classes. Test grades are calculated by test results: 94-100% = 5,0, 85-93% = 4,5, 76-84% = 4,0, 68-75% = 3,5, 60-67% = 3,0, 0-59% = 2,0. The final grade is an arithmetic mean every form of subject realisation. The result of arithmetic mean is estimated according to the principle: mean of 3,25 is a final grade of 3,5; mean of 3,75 is a final grade of 4,0; mean of 4,25 is a final grade of 4,5; mean of 4,75 is a final grade of 5,0. In case of absence in classes and/or failing the subject on clinical classes or seminaries, making up for the classes, the Student should discuss a term with the physicican leading the class. The limit of absence in class justified by the document confirming the disease (sick leave) or a random emergency wynos is 10h, which student is obligated to make up for in the term discussed with the physician leading the class. Justification has to be showed to the physician leading the class in 3 working days calculated from the day of the absence. Unjustified absence are equal to subject not completed. The other principles are stated in University of Zielona Gora Regulations In difficult cases regarding completing the subject, Student is provided with the law of appealing to Subject Coordinator.

Literatura podstawowa

R. Owczuk "Anestezjologia i intensywna terapia" Warszawa 2021,wyd.1;  PZWL

Literatura uzupełniająca

A. Kuebler "Crash Course Anestezjologia" Worcław 2021, wyd.2; Edra Urban&Partner


In difficult cases regarding completing the subject, Student is provided with the law of appealing to Subject Coordinator. 

Zmodyfikowane przez dr n. med. Jacek Zawadzki (ostatnia modyfikacja: 22-05-2023 17:18)