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Emergency Medicine - opis przedmiotu

Informacje ogólne
Nazwa przedmiotu Emergency Medicine
Kod przedmiotu 12.1-WL-LekAM-EcyMneE- 22
Wydział Wydział Lekarski i Nauk o Zdrowiu
Kierunek WLiNZ - oferta ERASMUS / Lekarski
Profil -
Rodzaj studiów jednolite magisterskie sześcioletnie
Semestr rozpoczęcia semestr zimowy 2023/2024
Informacje o przedmiocie
Semestr 12
Liczba punktów ECTS do zdobycia 4
Typ przedmiotu obowiązkowy
Język nauczania polski
Sylabus opracował
  • lek. Szymon Michniewicz
  • dr n. med. Bartosz Kudliński
Formy zajęć
Forma zajęć Liczba godzin w semestrze (stacjonarne) Liczba godzin w tygodniu (stacjonarne) Liczba godzin w semestrze (niestacjonarne) Liczba godzin w tygodniu (niestacjonarne) Forma zaliczenia
Ćwiczenia 60 4 - - Egzamin

Cel przedmiotu

Emergency medicine is a clinical field that deals with patients of all ages, with a wide range of symptoms that are a consequence of emergencies as well as chronic diseases. Emergency medicine activities cover the entire spectrum of physical, mental, and social problems of patients. Emergency Medicine is an interdisciplinary specialty that works closely with all clinical disciplines. The aim of the classes in emergency medicine for fourth-year students is to familiarize them with the specificity of the clinical field, which is emergency medicine.

Aim of the course:

                         1. Review and improvement of skills in the field of basic life support in adults and children.

                         2. Review and improvement of CPR skills at an advanced level in accordance with current adult guidelines.

                         3. The principles of conducting cardiopulmonary resuscitation at the advanced level in accordance with the current guidelines for children.

                          4. The procedures in traumatic causes of cardiac arrest:

- airway obstruction,

- tension pneumothorax,

- external haemorrhage,


1. Introducing the student into the rules of proceeding during cardiac arrest caused by:

- the action of toxic substances and drugs,

- electrolyte disturbances,

- hypothermia,

- anaphylaxis,

- pulmonary embolism,

1. Introducing the student into the rules of conduct in the event of cardiac arrest in a pregnant woman.

2. Introducing the student into the basic rules of procedure in the Hospital Emergency Department with a patient in shock.

3. Revising and improving the skills of proceeding in the Hospital Emergency Department, in case of cardiac arrhythmias, which threaten cardiac arrest:

- bradycardia,

- narrow QRS complex tachycardia

- broad QRS complex tachycardia

  1. Introducing the student into the principles of organizing task-oriented therapeutic teams operating in the hospital emergency department:

- traumatic,

- resuscitation,

- percussion.

                         1. The basic principles of management and communication in therapeutic teams.

                         2. The basic issues of disaster medicine.

                         3. The basic rules of conduct of medical teams in the event of events with a large number of victims at the pre-hospital level.

4. The basic principles of organizing the work of the Hospital Emergency Department while waiting for the arrival of a large number of victims in a pre-hospital emergency.

5. Revising the basic principles of organization and operation of the patient segregation system in the Hospital Emergency Department during the routine work of the emergency department.


Wymagania wstępne

Knowledge of anatomy, physiology, pathophysiology, pathomorphology, propaedeutics of internal diseases, pediatrics, laboratory diagnostics, pharmacology. Prior completion of the following subjects in previous semesters: anaesthesiology and intensive therapy as well as emergency medicine.

Zakres tematyczny

The scope of topics implemented in the form of an introduction:

1. Advanced life support in children.

2. Cardiac arrest in a trauma patient.

3. Cardiac arrest in special situations:

The scope of topics implemented in the form of an introduction:

                         1. Advanced life support in children.

                         2. Cardiac arrest in a trauma patient.

                         3. Cardiac arrest in special situations:

                         - pregnancy,

                         - hypothermia,

                         - electrolyte disturbances,

                         - the action of toxic substances and drugs

                         - anaphylaxis,

                         1. Multiple organ trauma.

                         2. Fluid resuscitation.

                         3. Hyperbaric medicine.

                         4. Pre-hospital management strategy during a mass incident.

                         5. Patient segregation in the Hospital Emergency Department - ESI and MTS systems.

                         6. Basic principles of management and communication in therapeutic teams.

                         7. Basic principles of organization and operation of therapeutic teams.


The scope of topics carried out as part of the exercises at the Medical Simulation Center.

1. Basic life support in adults.

2. Basic life support in children.

3. Electrotherapy: defibrillation, electrical cardioversion, transcutaneous stimulation.

4. Advanced resuscitation procedures in an adult patient.

5. Advanced resuscitation procedures in a pediatric patient.

6. Rescue procedures carried out at the pre-hospital stage.

7. Communication in the therapeutic team.

The scope of topics covered during classes at the Hospital Emergency Department.

1. Hyperbaric therapy.

2. Analyzer of critical parameters and the analysis of the results of blood tests of HED patients.

3. Patient segregation in the Hospital Emergency Department - ESI and MTS systems.



Metody kształcenia

Clinical classes are held in groups of 5-6 people in the hospital emergency department of the University Hospital and at the Medical Simulation Center of the University of Zielona Góra, focusing on the practical learning of emergency procedures and protection of vital functions, taking into account mass losses.

Efekty uczenia się i metody weryfikacji osiągania efektów uczenia się

Opis efektu Symbole efektów Metody weryfikacji Forma zajęć

Warunki zaliczenia

Completion of the course takes place after the student meets the following conditions:

1. Absence from one of the clinical classes is allowed. A justification - an appropriate document confirming an illness (sick leave) or a random accident - should be presented to the teacher within 3 working days of the event. Unexcused absences mean the inability to complete the course.

Obtaining credit in theoretical knowledge during practical classes. During the practical classes, the student has to write 3 tests in the form of a test. Passing takes place after obtaining a positive mark for each introductory written test. A positive result of all introductory test tests is a condition for admission to the final examination.


  1. The condition for passing the test in practical classes is obtaining a minimum of 60% positive answers from the test:


                    a. very good  - 100.00% - 90.00%

                    b. good plus - 89.99% - 85.00%

                    c. good - 84.99% - 75.00%

                    d. satisfactory plus - 74.99% - 70.00%

                    e. satisfactory - 69.99% - 60.00%

                    f. unsatisfactory  - below 60.00%


  1.  The final examination consists of theoretical and practical parts.


                    3a.              The theoretical part of the exam is a test with 50 single-choice questions. The condition for passing the final test is obtaining a minimum (60%) positive answers:


The condition for passing the test in practical classes is obtaining a minimum of 60% positive answers from the test:



  1. very good  - 100.00% - 90.00%
  2. good plus - 89.99% - 85.00%
  3. good - 84.99% - 75.00%
  4. satisfactory plus - 74.99% - 70.00%
  5. satisfactory - 69.99% - 60.00%
  6. unsatisfactory  - below 60.00%











3b. The practical part of the exam is carried out in the form of the Objective Structured Clinical Examination (Objective Structured Clinical Examination) exam.

The remaining conditions are specified in the Study Regulations of the University of Zielona Góra


Literatura podstawowa

  1. Wytyczne resuscytacji 2020 Europejskiej Rady Resuscytacji;

        2. Zaawansowane zabiegi resuscytacyjne i wybrane stany nagłe J. Gucwa, M.Ostrowski; Wydawnictwo Medycyna Praktyczna, Kraków 2018;

Literatura uzupełniająca

  1. ITLS 2017 (International Trauma Life Support) - Ratownictwo przedszpitalne w urazach
  2. Medycyna ratunkowa NMS, Plantz Scott H., E.John Wipfler, Wrocław, 2, 2012
  3. Triage. Ratunkowa segregacja medyczna. red. wyd. pol. Juliusz Jakubaszko, Wydawca: Edra Urban & Partner; 2016
  4. Zarys medycyny hiperbarycznej; Aleksander Sieroń, Grzegorz Cieślar; Alfa Medica Press; 2020


Zmodyfikowane przez dr n. med. Jacek Zawadzki (ostatnia modyfikacja: 19-05-2023 23:44)