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Family housing design - opis przedmiotu

Informacje ogólne
Nazwa przedmiotu Family housing design
Kod przedmiotu 02.1--M-FHD-S23
Wydział Wydział Budownictwa, Architektury i Inżynierii Środowiska
Kierunek WBAiIŚ Architektura - oferta ERASMUS
Profil -
Rodzaj studiów Program Erasmus
Semestr rozpoczęcia semestr zimowy 2023/2024
Informacje o przedmiocie
Semestr 1
Liczba punktów ECTS do zdobycia 4
Typ przedmiotu obowiązkowy
Język nauczania angielski
Sylabus opracował
  • dr Nimet Pinar Ozguner Gulhan
  • dr inż. arch. Alicja Maciejko
Formy zajęć
Forma zajęć Liczba godzin w semestrze (stacjonarne) Liczba godzin w tygodniu (stacjonarne) Liczba godzin w semestrze (niestacjonarne) Liczba godzin w tygodniu (niestacjonarne) Forma zaliczenia
Projekt 45 3 - - Zaliczenie na ocenę

Cel przedmiotu

In terms of knowledge, the course aims to provide a comprehensive understanding of various aspects, including the theory and principles of architectural design. Students will gain proficiency in design workshops and the use of digital tools for architectural design. They will also delve into the knowledge of interdisciplinary aspects of architectural design, as well as explore the potential applications of Building Information Modeling (BIM) technology in both architectural and urban design.

The course places a strong emphasis on skill development. Students will enhance their ability to utilize both Polish and foreign literature, enabling them to draw from a wide range of sources. They will also learn the skills of selecting, evaluating, and studying examples relevant to architectural design. Furthermore, they will develop proficiency in using design workshops, including digital tools for architectural design. Additionally, they will acquire the ability to assess technical and non-technical issues, especially in terms of how design decisions impact various aspects of the environment, both material and non-material. Practical skills in applying BIM technology will also be a focus of this course.

In the realm of personal and social competencies, the course aims to foster a range of qualities. Students will cultivate their imagination, intuition, and a creative mindset, which are essential for independently seeking innovative architectural solutions. They will also develop the ability to effectively present their own architectural ideas and design concepts, making their communication skills a central component. Furthermore, students will be encouraged to express their opinions regarding the interdisciplinary aspects of architectural design. Importantly, they will be sensitized to the need for collaboration with specialists at all stages of the design process within the project cycle. This collaboration and teamwork aspect is crucial for holistic and successful architectural projects.

Wymagania wstępne

No prerequisites.

Zakres tematyczny

Theoretical Aspects: 

In the theoretical part of the course, the lecturer covers various aspects. The content includes the explanation of project implementation methods, the examination of the scope of legal standardization, and parameterization of elements in residential buildings. Examples of completed single-family houses are presented to illustrate key concepts. Students engage in discussions about the typology and considerations in designing single-family housing architecture, including concepts like energy-saving and passive houses. They also explore the ideal features of a house in both open and urban landscapes, taking into account existing natural and cultural resources.

The course delves into design methods, the application of technical solutions at the architectural and urban scale, and approaches to presenting and developing architectural designs. It provides a theoretical foundation for the concept and methods required for preparing technical project descriptions. Urban composition variations and the placement of architectural elements in context are discussed, including individual work and consultations. The study of landscape aspects, perspective sketches, sections, land development, and the creation of spatial models is also included, involving individual work and consultations.

Furthermore, the course covers the formal requirements related to single-family house construction. It explores concepts related to meaning, symbols, and signs, with a particular focus on the significance of the concept of home as a creative element. This is illustrated with examples related to the sacred and the home, and the course addresses the durability and evolution of meaning.

Design Aspects:

The design phase includes a structured sequence of steps. It begins with the analysis and recognition of location conditions, such as an examination of the existing plot, including its size, terrain, and existing vegetation. The urban context is also considered, including factors like scale, neighborhood characteristics, openings, visual connections, and existing road and pedestrian communication possibilities.

Students gather initial materials to kickstart the design process. They move on to develop preliminary design concepts, which involve a study of location, structure, materials, and land development. These concepts are then reviewed and discussed, with a selection made for further development. Subsequently, students work on the selected variant, defining a detailed program and functional structure for the facility. This includes the functional organization of the ground floor in relation to the surroundings, landscaping, and greenery.

The course also includes the development of architectural details. This phase involves the refinement of selected facade elements, encompassing considerations like color studies, texture, and materials. Additionally, students focus on the development of elements in the environment or interior.

Metody kształcenia

Conveying methods include conventional, problem-oriented, conversational, and informational transmission.

Exploratory methods include design classes and laboratory sessions, promoting interdisciplinary education, fostering a creative approach, seeking design ideas and new forms, engaging in discussions, and carrying out individual and group work according to a detailed schedule of activities.

Efekty uczenia się i metody weryfikacji osiągania efektów uczenia się

Opis efektu Symbole efektów Metody weryfikacji Forma zajęć

Warunki zaliczenia

Partial Assessments of Individual Stages of Project Development: Students will be evaluated through partial assessments at various stages of project development. These assessments will consist of defined tasks, and the outcome will be categorized as either "passed" or "not passed."

Final Project Evaluation: The final project will be assessed on a scale from 2 to 5, with 5 being the highest score.

Overall Student Evaluation: Students will be evaluated comprehensively, taking into account their overall performance, attendance, participation, engagement, and consistency in their work. The evaluation will cover the entire duration of the course. Students will receive a grade on a scale from 2 to 5 based on these criteria.

Literatura podstawowa

Bell J. 21st Century House London 2006

Doubilet S. /D.Boles European House Now London 1999

Krauel J. Experimental Architecture Houses N.Y. 2004 J.

Smyth G., Croft J., Our House. The Representation of Domestic Space in Modern Culture, Rodopi BV, 2006

Neufert, E., Neufert, P., Kister, J., Sturge, D. Architects' data. Chichester: Wiley Blackwell, 2012

Lawson B., How Designers Think. The Design Process, Demystified-Architectural Press, 2005

Van Schaik, L., Spatial intelligence : new futures for architecture, Hoboken, NJ: Wiley, 2008

Knowles R. L., Drawing on Nature’s Rhythms for Architecture and Urban Design, Island Press, 2006 

Day Ch., Places of the Soul. Architecture and Environmental Design as a Healing Art, The Aquarian Press, 1990 

Broto C., Compact Houses, Links Books, 2005 

Krier L., The architecture of community, Island Press, 2009 

Baker K., Captured Landscape. Architecture and the Enclosed Garden., Routledge, 2018 

Goldsmith S., UNIVERSAL DESIGN. A Manual of Practical Guidance for Architects., Architectural Press, 2000 

Willibald M., Techniques of Staircase Construction. Technical and Design Instructions for Stairs Made of Wood, Steel, Conrete, and Natural Stone, Springer US, 1986 

Publicly available materials online, including:
Online manuals for AUTOCAD and REVIT ARCHITECTURE.
User manual for ARCHICAD available on the manufacturer's website:




Literatura uzupełniająca

Gehl, J., Life between Buildings, Island Press, 2011

De Botton A., The Architecture of Happiness, Knopf Doubleday Publishing Group, 2008 

Rykwert, J., The Dancing Column : on Order of Architecture. 1996, MIT Press. 

Wines, James, Green Architecture, Taschen Verlag, 2000

Zumthor P., Atmospheres, Birkhauser Verlag Gmbh,  2006

Stavrić M., Iđanin A.,Tepavčević B., Architectural Scale Models in the Digital Age. Design, Representation and Manufacturing, Springer, 2013

Dunkerley M., Houses Made of Wood and Light. The Life and Architecture of Hank Schubart, University of Texas Press, 2012 


A lecture hall with the option of dimming should be equipped with audiovisual equipment and boards for writing and presenting project boards.

A design room with the option of dimming should be equipped with project tables, audiovisual equipment, and boards for writing and presenting project boards.

A laboratory room should be equipped with design software specified by the instructor at the beginning of the semester.

Zmodyfikowane przez dr Nimet Pinar Ozguner Gulhan (ostatnia modyfikacja: 16-12-2023 20:00)