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Public building - opis przedmiotu

Informacje ogólne
Nazwa przedmiotu Public building
Kod przedmiotu 02.1--M-PB-S23
Wydział Wydział Budownictwa, Architektury i Inżynierii Środowiska
Kierunek WBAiIŚ Architektura - oferta ERASMUS
Profil -
Rodzaj studiów Program Erasmus
Semestr rozpoczęcia semestr zimowy 2023/2024
Informacje o przedmiocie
Semestr 2
Liczba punktów ECTS do zdobycia 4
Typ przedmiotu obowiązkowy
Język nauczania angielski
Sylabus opracował
  • dr inż. arch. Alicja Maciejko
  • dr Nimet Pinar Ozguner Gulhan
Formy zajęć
Forma zajęć Liczba godzin w semestrze (stacjonarne) Liczba godzin w tygodniu (stacjonarne) Liczba godzin w semestrze (niestacjonarne) Liczba godzin w tygodniu (niestacjonarne) Forma zaliczenia
Projekt 45 3 - - Zaliczenie na ocenę

Cel przedmiotu


Mastery of knowledge and project design tools in the theory and principles of architectural design for sports and recreational buildings and facilities, including site planning, taking into account contemporary standards, technological and ergonomic guidelines, shaping the form and aesthetics of buildings, functional and spatial solutions, interior and publicly accessible area equipment, and the surroundings of buildings with recreational areas, pedestrian and bicycle paths, parking spaces, and other accompanying facilities. As well as interdisciplinary aspects of architectural design, the potential for using Building Information Modeling (BIM) technology in architectural and urban design, and in facilitating inter-disciplinary coordination in a team of designers.

Skills: Understanding of design tools, including digital tools for architectural design, the ability to assess technical and non-technical issues related to the impact of design decisions on the material, immaterial, and human environment, practical skills in applying Building Information Modeling (BIM) technology in a manner appropriate to the knowledge acquired in previous semesters.

Personal and social competencies: Cultivation of imagination, intuition, a creative approach, and independent thinking for the original exploration of architectural solutions, presentation of one's own ideas and design concepts, expression of opinions on interdisciplinary aspects of architectural design, and sensitivity to the need for collaboration with specialists at all stages of the design process."

Wymagania wstępne

Formal requirements - none

General knowledge of interdisciplinary aspects of architectural design

Computer skills and proficiency in architectural design software (Graphisoft ARCHICAD, Autodesk REVIT)

Zakres tematyczny

Public buildings of culture, art and entertainment: cinemas, concert halls, philharmonics, opera houses, cultural centers, performance halls, music theatres, dance halls and discos, museum buildings, art galleries and libraries, exhibition and conference center buildings

In the theoretical part, the lecturer explains the method of building objects, shows examples of public utility buildings, presents the typology and issues of designing public utility architecture in accordance with the specificity of the selected topic of the study. Lectures are illustrated with recognized examples of contemporary implementations. Design methods are discussed; application of technical solutions on an architectural and urban scale; ways of presenting and developing an architectural design and theoretical justification of the concept and methods of drawing up the technical description of the project.

Knowledge in the field of auditorium and auditorium design is also provided (human and his proportions, visibility chart, acoustics of the auditorium, protection of the auditorium against external disturbances, filling and evacuation of the auditorium, systematics of spatial layouts of auditoriums, reception space of auditoriums).

In the design part, students solve conceptual partial projects in the freehand technique related to solving functional layouts of various types and elements of a public building for culture, art and entertainment and develop a final project.

Metody kształcenia

Teaching Methods: 

In the realm of teaching methods, we employ various approaches to provide a well-rounded educational experience. Conventional Delivery:   This method encompasses traditional teaching techniques, such as lectures and presentations. It serves as a foundational element in conveying essential information and concepts to the students. Problem-Based Delivery: This approach introduces information within the context of problems and challenges, effectively nurturing critical thinking among the students. It encourages them to actively engage with the subject matter. Conversational Delivery: In this method, information is transmitted through conversations and dialogues. It fosters interaction among students and instructors, creating a dynamic learning environment. Informational Delivery:   Here, the focus is on straightforward information transmission. This method is particularly effective for sharing fundamental knowledge. In addition to these conventional methods, we also incorporate exploratory teaching techniques to encourage a deeper understanding and practical application of the material. Project-Based Classes:   These classes offer students the opportunity to engage in hands-on projects, facilitating the practical application of their knowledge and enhancing their problem-solving skills. Laboratory Classes:   Providing a practical, hands-on environment, laboratory classes enable students to experiment with concepts and ideas, complementing their theoretical learning. Interdisciplinary Education:  This method encourages students to draw knowledge from various disciplines when solving complex problems, promoting a holistic approach to learning. Cultivation of a Creative Attitude:   Fostering a creative mindset and innovative thinking is a key component of our approach, encouraging students to think beyond conventions. Exploration of Design Ideas and New Forms:   Students are inspired to seek innovative project ideas and explore new forms of expression, nurturing their creativity. Discussions: We facilitate dialogue and idea sharing through discussions, allowing students to express their thoughts and engage in debates to gain a deeper understanding of the subject matter.

Individual and Group Work Following a Detailed Schedule:  To provide a structured learning experience, we balance individual and group work, following a detailed schedule that ensures students have opportunities for both independent and collaborative learning experiences.

**Conveying methods** - conventional, problem-oriented, conversational, informational transmission.

**Exploratory methods** - project-based activities and laboratory sessions, promoting interdisciplinary education, fostering a creative mindset, seeking project ideas and new forms, engaging in discussions, individual work, and group work as determined by the instructor.

Efekty uczenia się i metody weryfikacji osiągania efektów uczenia się

Opis efektu Symbole efektów Metody weryfikacji Forma zajęć

Warunki zaliczenia

Partial Assessments of Individual Stages of Project Development: Students will be evaluated through partial assessments at various stages of project development. These assessments will consist of defined tasks, and the outcome will be categorized as either "passed" or "not passed."

Final Project Evaluation: The final project will be assessed on a scale from 2 to 5, with 5 being the highest score.

Knowledge Examination: An examination will be conducted to assess the knowledge acquired during lectures and exercises. Students will be graded on a scale from 2 to 5. This examination will be linked to the presentation of the semester project on A3 paper.

Overall Student Evaluation: Students will be evaluated comprehensively, taking into account their overall performance, attendance, participation, engagement, and consistency in their work. The evaluation will cover the entire duration of the course. Students will receive a grade on a scale from 2 to 5 based on these criteria.

Literatura podstawowa

Beranek, L., Concert Halls and Opera Houses: Music, Acoustics and Architecture, New York 2004.

Hammond, M., Performing Architecture: Opera Houses, Theatres and Concert Halls for the Twenty - First Century, London 2006.

Heathcote, E., Cinema builders, New York 2001.

Izenour, G.C., Theater design, New Haven, London 1996.

Schmolke, B., Theatres and Concert Halls: Construction and Design Manual, Berlin 2011.

S.Doubilet/D.Boles European House Now London 1999

Thompson, G., Planning and Design of Library Buildings, Oxford 1972.

Sert, J.L., Leger, F., Giedion, S., Nine Points On Monumentality. W: Ockman, J., Eigen, E., Architecture Culture 1943-1968. A Documentary Anthology, New York 1993.

Vischer, J., Space meets status: designing workplace performance, Abingdon on Thames 2005.

Dudek, Mark, Architecture of Schools: The New Learning Environments, Architectural Press 2000.

Futagawa, Yukio, GA Contemporary Architecture 07 Public, GA Global Architecture 2008.

Oriol Anja Llorella, New Scandinavian Design, TeNeues 2005.

Sanoff, Henry, School Design, New York: Van Nostrand Reinhold, 1994.

Literatura uzupełniająca

Meuser, N., Construction and Design Manual. Drawing for Architects, Berlin 2016.

Oswald, A., Construction and Design Manual. Offices, Berlin 2014.

PÅlsson, K., Construction and Design Manual. Public Spaces and Urbanity. How to Design Humane Cities, Berlin 2017.

Schmolke, B., Construction and Design Manual. Theatres and Concert Halls, Berlin 2016.

Nas P.J.M., Cities full of Symbols, Leiden University Press, 2011

Van Schaik L., Practical Poetics in Architecture, John Wiley & Sons Ltd, 2014

Ceccato C., Advances in Architectural Geometry, Springer Vienna Architecture, 2010 

Childs M.C., Urban Composition. Developing Community through Design, Princeton Architectural Press, 2012 

Grau, D., Kekez, Z.C., Ryan, Z., Zevendingen, Ch., Building with Water. Concepts, Typology, Design., De Gruyter, 2012 

Detail, wyd. Institüt fur internationale Architektur-Dokumentation GmbH, München.

L'architectur d'aujord'hui, wyd. Jean Michel-Place.

Architectural Design, wyd. John Wiley & Sons

A10 - new European architecture”

Architectural Design




Theater Buildings,

Concert Hall Buildings,

Architectural platforms: ArchDaily | Broadcasting Architecture Worldwide, Dezeen | architecture and design magazine, ArchitekturaInfo, Architekci.PL.


A lecture hall with the option of dimming should be equipped with audiovisual equipment and boards for writing and presenting project boards.

A design room with the option of dimming should be equipped with project tables, audiovisual equipment, and boards for writing and presenting project boards.

A laboratory room should be equipped with design software specified by the instructor at the beginning of the semester.

Zmodyfikowane przez dr Nimet Pinar Ozguner Gulhan (ostatnia modyfikacja: 16-12-2023 21:09)