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Geriatrics and Geriatric Nursing - course description

General information
Course name Geriatrics and Geriatric Nursing
Course ID 12.6-WL-PielP-GER
Faculty Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences
Field of study WLiNZ - oferta ERASMUS / Nursing
Education profile -
Level of studies Erasmus programme
Beginning semester winter term 2018/2019
Course information
Semester 1
ECTS credits to win 9
Course type obligatory
Teaching language english
Author of syllabus
  • dr n. med. Joanna Hoffmann-Aulich
Classes forms
The class form Hours per semester (full-time) Hours per week (full-time) Hours per semester (part-time) Hours per week (part-time) Form of assignment
Lecture 15 1 - - Exam
Class 45 3 - - Credit with grade
Practical training 80 5,33 - - Credit with grade
Zajęcia praktyczne 80 5,33 - - Credit with grade
Samokształcenie 30 2 - - Credit

Aim of the course

Handing the knowledge over in fields of  the ageing processes to the up-to-date knowledge and sharp and of chronic illnesses of the senile age.

Preparing the student for the care of elderly people.


Ability of the assessment of  bio-psycho-social needs of man, knowledge in the scope of anatomy and physiology, pathology, bases of nursing, ethics, psychology, sociology. Professional skills get according to the program in and of year of the teaching.



  1. The ageing process in the biological, psychological aspect and social-economical.
  2. Physiological and psychological features of man in the advanced age.
  3. Health problems and psychosocial of persons in the older age.
  4. Endocrine disorders
  5. The etiopathogenesis, the course, the treatment and the prevention of illnesses of the older age - of  stupefying syndrome , Parkinson, depression.
  6. Senile psychoses


  1. The etiopathogenesis, the course, the treatment and the prevention  illnesses of the older age - diabetes, heart diseases, of arterial hypertension, atherosclerosis, stupefying syndrome, Parkinson syndrome, depression.
  2. Prevention of growing old and geriatric rehabilitation.
  3. Dietetics of the senile age.
  4. Nursing patients with explained problems including the process of looking after and of holistic approach to every sick person.
  5. The professional harmfulness but the ageing process.
  6. Ordination of  for special use and medical devices
  7. Communication with an elderly patient in various diseases
  8. Ability to choose special purpose food and ability write a prescription on special purpose required to continue treatment.


Perfect care centre for the person with chosen stupefying illness in the light of the literature on the subject and of own ideas.

Implementation of the proposal of own project to improve the senior in the field of bio-psycho-social. Implementation in relation to an elderly person in a care facility



Nursing procedure for a patient with selected Geriatric Giants - prevention of falls.


  1. Hospital treatment of the elderly
  2. Looking after the elders with cardiovascular diseases.
  3. Looking after and treating the elders with respiratory diseases.
  4. Nursing sick persons with tuberculosis.
  5. Looking after and treating the elders with the gastrointestinal disease.
  6. Looking after in nephropathies.
  7. Acting during diabetes.
  8. Taking care in illnesses of motor organs.
  9. Nursing treatments at elderly people.
  10. The elderly with the visual impairment and of hearing.
  11. Forms of the welfare for the elderly.
  12. Curing senile infirmity.
  13. The use of purpose food and medical devices in diffrent diseases and the bio-psycho-social case.

Teaching methods

Conventional lecture, group work, work with the book,, method of cases and situational, display, briefing, exercises practical.

Learning outcomes and methods of theirs verification

Outcome description Outcome symbols Methods of verification The class form

Assignment conditions

A positive assessment is a base of ranking the object from an oral exam which contains questions from lectures and exercises of the 60% of correct answers to three questions drawn from the pool of eighty questions. A student is sitting an examination, which he ranked exercises for the positive evaluation. Exercises - ranking with the evaluation. Getting is a base of ranking exercises

of positive assessment which they are conditioning: active attendance in all classes, active participation of the student in discussions on classes. and of prepared process of looking after in a chosen disease entity. Practical - ranking with the evaluation. performing the individual task consisting in identifying nursing problems of  the chosen patient staying into the care centre or at the geriatric ward and establishing the plan of nursing proceedings Traineeship - receiving a credit for a course with the evaluation for the semester IV. for the work practice a student which is ranked  proceeding filling practical for the positive evaluation and is possessing skills of earlier methods get in frames of the education. Base observation of the direct work constitutes evaluations with the patient and of the cooperation with the staff and the contact with the family. Self-education - ranking without the evaluation. The self-education includes contents from the given literature on the subject. With condition credits there is a preparation of the dissertation for chosen subjects. The put stress will be special on competent applying notional categories get to know and using diversified sources. The work should be written in computer with Time New font Roman, distance between poems 1.5. Margins 2.5. The minimum quantity of sides amounts 5. Evaluation from the object is final arithmetic mean of obtained evaluations from the examination and the practical.

Recommended reading

1.     Rosenthal T. (red.):Geriatria. Czelej, Lublin 2009.

2.     Wieczorowska-Tobis K., Talarska D. (red.): Geriatria i pielęgniarstwo geriatryczne. Wydawnictwo Lekarskie PZWL, Warszawa 2008.

3.     Karasek M (red.): Aspekty medyczne starzenia się człowieka. Łódzkie Towarzystwo naukowe, Łódź 2008.

4.     Kędziora-Kornatowska K., Muszalik M.,(red.) Kompendium pielęgnowania pacjentów w starszym wieku. Czelej, Lublin 2009.

5.     Grodzicki T. (red.): Geriatria z elementami gerontologii. Via Medica, Gdańsk 2007.

6.     Schiefele J., Standt J., Dach M. M.: Pielęgniarstwo geriatryczne. Wydawnictwo Medyczne Urban & Partner, Wrocław 1998.

7.     de Valden – Gałuszko K. ,Kaptacz A. (red.): Pielęgniarstwo w opiece paliatywnej i hospicyjnej. PZWL, Warszawa 2005.

8.     Jakubowska H., Raciniewska A., Rgowski Ł. Patrząc na starość. UAM Poznań 2009.

9.     Manthorpe J., Iliffe S. Depresja wieku podeszłego. PZWL Warszawa 2010.

10.  Marchewka A., Dąbrowski Z.,Żołądź J. A., Fizjologia starzenia się. Profilaktyka i rehabilitacja, PWN Warszawa 2013

Further reading

1.     Zych A.. Leksykon gerontologii. Impuls Kraków 2007.

2.     Brzezińska M. Proaktywna starość. Strategie radzenia sobie ze stresem w okresie późnej dorosłości. Difin Warszawa 2011.

3.     Wieczorowska-Tobis K. Talarska D. Różne oblicza starości. UM Poznań Poznań 2011.

4.     Hill R. Pozytywne starzenie się. Laurum 2010.

5.     de Beauvoir S, Starość. Warszawa 2011.

6.     Brocklehurst J. , C., Allen S. C.: Zarys medycyny geriatrycznej. PZWL, Warszawa2005.

7.     Halik J. (red.): Starzy ludzie w Polsce. Społeczne i zdrowotne skutki starzenia się społeczeństwa. Instytut Spraw Publicznych, Warszawa 2002


Modified by dr Beata Wudarczyk (last modification: 29-04-2018 22:14)