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Genetically modified organisms - course description

General information
Course name Genetically modified organisms
Course ID 13.9-WB-P-GMO-S14
Faculty Faculty of Biological Sciences
Field of study WNB - oferta ERASMUS
Education profile -
Level of studies Erasmus programme
Beginning semester winter term 2018/2019
Course information
Semester 1
ECTS credits to win 5
Course type obligatory
Teaching language polish
Author of syllabus
  • dr hab. Beata Machnicka, prof. UZ
Classes forms
The class form Hours per semester (full-time) Hours per week (full-time) Hours per semester (part-time) Hours per week (part-time) Form of assignment
Lecture 15 1 - - Exam
Laboratory 30 2 - - Credit with grade

Aim of the course

Aim of the course The aim of the course is to present genetically modified organisms (plants, animals, food) and the methods of obtaining, identification and detection of GMOs and legal and social aspects of the use of GMOs. During laboratory training, the student learns methods of animal trasgenesis, transformation of plants by Agrobacterium, genetically modified corn (Cry gene) xenotransplantation.


Fundamentals of biology, chemistry, microbiology and genetics


Lectures: GMO - definitions gene, transgene. Overview of genetically modified organisms. Molecular basis of genetic transformation and the methods of obtaining genetically modified plants and animals. The expression of transgenes. Identification and detection of GMOs. Legal and social aspects of the use of GMOs. Genetically modified foods. People and the environmental biosecurity - legal, bioethics. Laboratory classes: reporter and marker genes. GFP protein. Transgenesis methods. Cloning of mammals. Xenotransplantation - Polish study. Transformation of plants by Agrobacterium. Genetically modified corn - Cry gene. GMO-free zones. Controversy over GMO. Cultivation of GM crops in the world.

Teaching methods

Lecture: Informative multimedial presentation. Laboratory: giving method - explaining and collaborative discussion, informative multimedial presentation

Learning outcomes and methods of theirs verification

Outcome description Outcome symbols Methods of verification The class form

Assignment conditions

LECTURE: The exam - the student is allowed to take the final written examination test after getting the pass mark credit of the laboratory classes. The laboratory classes – the requirements of the assessment criteria refer to the pass mark credits of written tests as well as the pass mark credits of the teamwork written study on the given issue. The final mark consists of the average sum of all of the pass partial marks.

Recommended reading

Further reading


Modified by dr hab. Beata Machnicka, prof. UZ (last modification: 18-05-2018 10:48)