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Linear Algebra 1 - course description

General information
Course name Linear Algebra 1
Course ID 11.1-WK-MATP-AL1-Ć-S14_pNadGenEIR82
Faculty Faculty of Mathematics, Computer Science and Econometrics
Field of study Mathematics
Education profile academic
Level of studies First-cycle studies leading to Bachelor's degree
Beginning semester winter term 2018/2019
Course information
Semester 1
ECTS credits to win 6
Course type obligatory
Teaching language polish
Author of syllabus
  • dr hab. Krzysztof Przesławski, prof. UZ
Classes forms
The class form Hours per semester (full-time) Hours per week (full-time) Hours per semester (part-time) Hours per week (part-time) Form of assignment
Class 45 3 - - Credit with grade
Lecture 45 3 - - Exam

Aim of the course

To equip students with knowledge concerning basic algebraic structures such as fields, groups, vector spaces.


Secondary school mathematics.


1. Number fields. (2h)
2. Operations. Axiomatic definition of a field. (2h)
3. The field of rational functions (1h)
4. The field of residue classes modlo p; Fermat’s little theorem (3h)
5. Isomorphisms of fields; automorphisms. The characteristic of a field. (2h)
6. Complex numbers: conjugation, modulus, polar form, geometric interpretation of addition and multiplication, De Moivre’s theorem, roots of complex numbers. (4h)
7. Fundamental theorem of algebra. Algebraic and transcendental numbers. (basic information) (1h)
8. Noncommutative fields: quaternions. (only briefly; students have to expand their knowledge by self study)(1h)
1. Definition of a group; examples. (1h)
2. Parity of a permutation; alternating groups. (2h)
3. Decomposition of a permutation into disjoint cycles; decomposition into transpositions. (1h)

Vector spaces
1. Definition of a vector space; examples. (1h)
2. Linear independence; subspaces and spanning sets; basis; the Steinitz exchange lemma; dimension.(2h)
3. Linear transformations; spaces of linear homomorphisms; isomorphisms; linear transformations between coordinate spaces and their matrices; matrix multiplication and composition of linear transformations; algebras over a field: algebras of linear endomorphisms. (3h)
4. Rank of a matrix; the kernel and image of a linear transformation. (3h)
5. Matrix of a linear transformation with respect to arbitrary bases. (2h)
6. Dual space; dual basis; double dual and the canonical isomorphism between a space and its double dual; transpose of a linear transformation; transposed matrix. (2h)
1. Determinant of a square matrix; multilinearity of determinant. (2h)
2. Determinant of a product of two matrices; determinant of a linear endomorphism. (2h)
3. Laplace expansion; inverse of a matrix. (1h)
4. General linear group, special linear group; group of upper triangular matrices. (1h)
Systems of linear equations
1. Existence of solutions (2h)
2. Fundamental system of solutions; dimension of the space of solutions. (2h)
3. Form of the solution to the system Ax=b, when A is an invertible matrix. (1h)
4. Gauss-Jordan elimination. (1h)

1. Rational and irrational numbers; examples. Number fields; examples. (3h)
2. Two-argument operations and their properties. (1h)
3. Modular computations: tables of operations, inverse elements; binomial coefficients (exercises with the use of mathematical induction); applications of Fermat’s little theorem. (2h)
4. Complex numbers: finding products of numbers, and the inverse and the canonical form of a number. (2h)
5. Finding the argument and the modulus of a number. Roots. (2h)
6. Solving equations with complex coefficients. (2h)
7. Class test. (2h)
1. Finding products of permutations. Inverses. Decompositions of permutations into cycles and transpositions. The sign of a permutation. (4h)

Vector spaces
1. Examples of vector spaces (2h)
2. Verification of linear independency; bases (2h)
3. Calculating values of linear mapping. Finding the kernel and the image of a linear mapping in some simple cases. (4h)
4. An algorithm for finding the rank of a matrix. (2h)
5. Class test. (2h)
1. Applications of 2x2 determinants: the area of a parallelogram and a triangle. (2h)
2. 3X3 determinants: the volume of a parallelepiped. (2h)
3. Calculating certain determinants of large size. (4h)
Systems of linear equations
1. Finding the inverse of a matrix. (1h)
2. Checking the consistency of a linear system (2h)
3. Finding a fundamental system of solutions by Gauss-Jordan elimination. (2h)
4. Class test. (2h)

Teaching methods

Traditional lecturing, solving problems under the supervision of the instructor.

Learning outcomes and methods of theirs verification

Outcome description Outcome symbols Methods of verification The class form

Assignment conditions

1. Preparation of the students and their active participation is assessed during each class by their instructor.
2. Class tests with problems of diverse difficulty helping to assess whether a student achieved minimal outcomes.
3. Written examination: It consists of around 18 problems. Each problem consists of 2 or 3 statements. To solve a problem, one has only to decide whether the statements are true or false. For some of them, however, explanations are demanded.
Final grade = 0.4 x class grade + 0,6 x exam grade. In order to be allowed to take the exam a student has to have a positive class grade. In order to pass the exam a student has to have a positive exam grade.

Recommended reading

1. Strang, Gilbert, Linear Algebra and Its Applications, Cengage Learning, 2005.

Further reading

1. G. Birkhoff, S. Mac Lane, A Survey of Modern Algebra, A.K. Peters, 1997.


Modified by dr Alina Szelecka (last modification: 07-07-2018 08:19)