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SOCIOLOGY OF MANAGEMENT - course description

General information
Course ID 04.0-WZ-P-SMa-S19
Faculty Faculty of Economics and Management
Field of study WEiZ - oferta ERASMUS
Education profile -
Level of studies Erasmus programme
Beginning semester winter term 2019/2020
Course information
Semester 2
ECTS credits to win 5
Course type obligatory
Teaching language english
Author of syllabus
  • dr Renata Maciejewska
Classes forms
The class form Hours per semester (full-time) Hours per week (full-time) Hours per semester (part-time) Hours per week (part-time) Form of assignment
Lecture 30 2 - - Exam

Aim of the course

By the end of the course student should be able to:
 use methods and techniques of group work
 form desirable interpersonal relations
 estimate the efficiency of subordinates’ work
 manage the information
 make a decision
 solve problems in a creative way
 organize personal work and work of subordinates
 manage a change in organizations




During our course we will be focused on following issues:
 Introduction to Sociology of Management
 Organizational structures
 Leadership in organizations;
 Leadership in formal organizations
 Leadership in informal organizations.
 Motivation:
 Emotive intellectuals.
 Conflict in Organizations:
 Sources of conflicts.
 Positive & Negative Consequences of Conflict in Organizations.
 Ways of Managing Conflict in Organizations.
 Management diversity.
 Employees Training and Development
 Learning in Organizations
 Organizational Human Resource Management
 Work Anomie in an Organisation

Teaching methods

- active participation in class

- one essay

- presentation in PPT format

Learning outcomes and methods of theirs verification

Outcome description Outcome symbols Methods of verification The class form

Assignment conditions

The final grades will be given according to the following rule:
- the amount of the received points in the limits:
 100 % - 75.1 % of total possible points corresponds to the grade 5 (A)
 75.0 % - 70.1 % corresponds to 4.5 (B)
 70.0 % - 65.1 % corresponds to 4 (C)
 65.0 % - 60.1 % corresponds to 3.5 (D)
 60.0 % - 50.1 % corresponds to 3 (E)
 50.0 % - 0 % corresponds to 2 (F)
1. Class attendance and participations – students are to attend every class, fully prepared to participate in class discussions and activities 20%
2. Preparing an essay - 60% . Each student will prepare the essay and present some aspect of it to the class and lead the discussion.
3. Preparing of multimedia presentation – 20%. Each student will prepare the multimedia presentation about chosen problems of HRM.

Recommended reading

Alan Price (2007) Human Resource Management in Business Context, 3rd edition, Thomson Learning Press.

Appreciating diversity – cultural and gender issues (2007), edited by Aneta Chybicka and Maria Kaźmierczak, 1ed edition,publisher “Impuls”.

Blanchard K., Johnson S.,(2001), One- minute manager

Blanchard K., Zigarmi P., Zigarmi D., (2008), One-minute manager and leadership: situational leadership and better communication between a supervisor and a subordinate

Blanchard K., Lorber R., (2008), One-minute manager’s techniques in practice 

Baumer, E.P. (2007). Untangling research puzzles in merton’s multilevel anomie theory. Theoretical Criminology11(1), 63–93.

Manderscheid, S.V. & Arichvili, A. (2008). New leader assimilation: Process and outcomes. Leadership and Organization Development Journal,29, 661–677.

Mansfield, P. (2004). Anomie and disaster in corporate culture: The impact of mergers and acquisitions on the ethical climate of market organizations. Marketing Management Journal,14(2), 88–97.

McCloskey, D. (1976). Durkheim, anomie, and modern crisis. American Journal of Sociology81(6), 1481–1487.

Messner, S.F. (2003). An institutional-anomie theory of crime: Continuities and elaborations in the study of social structure and anomie. Cologne Journal of Sociology and Social Psychology,43, 93–109.

Vaughan, D. (1983). Controlling Unlawful Organizational Behavior: Social Structure and Corporate Misconduct.Chicago: University of Chicago Press.

Further reading

Chen, C.& Lee, H. (2007). Effects of transformational team leadership on collective efficacy and team performance. International Journal of Management and Enterprise Development4, 202–217.

Chen, G.& Bliese, P.D. (2002). The role of different levels of leadership in predicting self- and collective efficacy: Evidence for discontinuity. Journal of Applied Psychology,87, 549–556.

Cohen, D.V. (1992a). The Dynamics of Powerlessness: Explaining Unethical Conduct in Business Organizations.Paper presented at the 52nd Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management Las Vegas, NV.

Cohen, D.V. (1992b). Ethical Choice in the Workplace: Situational and Psychological Determinants.Doctoral dissertation. Columbia University, New York, NY.

Jensen, L.& Wygant, S. (1990). The development of self-valuing theory: A practical approach for business ethics. Journal of Business Ethics,8, 215–225.

Bird, F. & Waters, J. (1987). The nature of managerial moral standards. Journal of Business Ethics6, 1–3.

Jung, D.& Sosik, J. (2003). Group Potency and Collective Efficacy. Group Organization Management,28, 366–391.

Katz-Navon, T.& Erez, M. (2005). When collective and self-efficacy affect team performance. Small Group Research,36, 437–465.




Modified by dr Renata Maciejewska (last modification: 07-05-2019 14:49)