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Economics of businesses - course description

General information
Course name Economics of businesses
Course ID 14.3-WZ-BizElP-Ekonofbusin-Er
Faculty Faculty of Computer Science, Electrical Engineering and Automatics
Field of study E-business
Education profile practical
Level of studies First-cycle Erasmus programme
Beginning semester winter term 2019/2020
Course information
Semester 1
ECTS credits to win 3
Course type obligatory
Teaching language english
Author of syllabus
Classes forms
The class form Hours per semester (full-time) Hours per week (full-time) Hours per semester (part-time) Hours per week (part-time) Form of assignment
Lecture 15 1 - - Credit with grade
Class 30 2 - - Credit with grade

Aim of the course



Microeconomics. Demand and supply theory. Theory of consumer behavior. Market equilibrium. The role of prices in the economy. Forms, types and types of enterprises. Entrepreneur and entrepreneurship. The mission and goals of the company. Circular movement in the economy.
The basics of the producer's economic decisions: profit, total income, marginal income, total cost, fixed cost, variable cost, average cost, marginal cost, opportunity cost. Behaviors of enterprises depending on the form of the market: an enterprise on the perfect competition market, monopolistic competition, oligopoly, monopoly.
Maximizing profit and minimizing costs in the enterprise. The essence of farming.
Similarities and differences: corporate finance, personal finance, public and EU finance. Equity and foreign capital. Fixed and current assets in the enterprise. External sources of financing business activity (EU funds, bank loan, leasing, shares, bonds).
A company on the stock exchange. Investing. National and international environment of the enterprise. Business management. Marketing, promotion and company image. A company in the euro area. Enterprise competitiveness. Benchmarking. Enterprise innovations. Traditional and electronic business: similarities and differences. Business uncertainty and economic risk. Creating a new company. SWOT analysis.
Business plan and its structure. Employee and employer market. Impact of inflation on economic activity. Foreign direct investment and the company's development strategy.
Outsourcing, franchising, crowdfunding and other forms as an opportunity for entrepreneurship development.

Teaching methods

Lecture - conventional lecture using a projector, "brainstorming", "exchange of ideas"
Exercises - case analysis, classical problem method, discussion and group work.

Learning outcomes and methods of theirs verification

Outcome description Outcome symbols Methods of verification The class form

Assignment conditions

To pass lectures a student should give correct oral answers to five questions (from 50% to 60% satisfactory; above 60% to 70% satisfactory plus; above 70% to 80% good; above 80% to 90% good plus, above 90% very good). Exercises - written and / or oral colloquium as well as preparation and presentation of the project (in a 2-3-person group) on issues discussed in class. Final grade = 50% of the final grade from the form of classes lecture + 50% of the final grade from the form of classes. Final grade: 50% from lecture and 50% from exercises.

Recommended reading

1. Essentials of economics, P. Krugman, R. Wells K. Graddy, Worth publishers, New York 2014

2. Managerial economics and business strategy, M. Baye, McGraw-Hill Irwin, New York  2010

Further reading


Modified by dr Dorota Roszkowska-Hołysz (last modification: 08-12-2019 13:50)