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Piano - course description

General information
Course name Piano
Course ID 03.2-WA-P-FOR-S18
Faculty Faculty of Arts
Field of study WA - oferta ERASMUS / Humanities and Arts, Music
Education profile -
Level of studies First-cycle Erasmus programme
Beginning semester winter term 2020/2021
Course information
Semester 1
ECTS credits to win 5
Course type obligatory
Teaching language polish
Author of syllabus
Classes forms
The class form Hours per semester (full-time) Hours per week (full-time) Hours per semester (part-time) Hours per week (part-time) Form of assignment
Class 15 1 - - Credit with grade

Aim of the course

- Developing the skills of piano playing, the artistic sensitivity and the methodological knowledge, which are necessary for the independent work on preparation of a piano and chamber music repertoire in various styles (playing the part of piano accompaniment)
- Learning a possibly extended piano repertoire which is appropriate to the performance abilities of the player and to the specific perception of different listeners as well as useful for the future professional work as an organizer of cultural life and popularizer of music in educational and cultural institutions
- Improving the ability of sight-reading 


A pass for the entrance examinations for the candidates for the first year of Music Education Studies. 


Semester 2 - PIANO 2
Improving the freedom and flexibility of the playing apparatus in order to practice more complicated and complex music works. Improving the performance abilities by practicing different rhythmic patterns. Polyphonic music - improving of the linear hearing and the independence of the hands, playing different articulation, dynamics and phrasing in polyphony works (two voices). Improving the knowledge and the ability of phrasing, symmetrical and asymmetrical phrases, the ability to use dynamics, agogics and pedals.

Teaching methods


−  Choosing works for independent preparation, checking the results and discussing them in the class. 

−  Showing the correct ways to overcome the problems on a chosen piece and demonstrating the incorrect ways of work on technical and musical problems. 

−  Common play in the class, showing the ways of practicing and creating of exercises in order to overcome a particular technical problem. 

−  Analysis of recordings or concert performances, comparing different interpretations 

−  Work with an audio recorder - analysis of the recording. 

−  Encouraging the student to play in public, analysis and evaluation of the performance

Learning outcomes and methods of theirs verification

Outcome description Outcome symbols Methods of verification The class form

Assignment conditions

Grade. Presentation of: a) works chosen by the lecturer and prepared under his direction b) a work chosen for independent preparation c) a work played in public.
The learning outcomes verification takes place during the whole semester in class as well as during the presentation of the works at the end of the semester. 

Recommended reading


Zbiory etiud /wyd. PWM/, Kraków: Bertini, Duvernoy, Schytte, Lemoine, Berens, Czerny, Heller, Loeschorn 

Polyphonic works 

„Wybór utworów z XVII i XVIII w.”, wyd. PWM, Kraków,
J.S.Bach – „ Łatwe utwory”, „Drobne utwory”, „Małe preludia”, „Inwencje dwugłosowe”, „Suity francuskie” wyd. 

PWM, Peters, G.F.Haendel „Utwory wybrane” PWM, Kraków 

Classical forms 

Sonatinas - opr. Hoffmann-Rieger, S. Raube, PWM, W.A.Mozart – „Sonatiny wiedeńskie” PWM, Kraków J.Haydn – „Drobne utwory”- Wyd. Peters, L. van Beethoven – łatwe wariacje
Various works 

„Czytanki muzyczne” z. I-IV PWM, R.Schumann, P.Czajkowski „Album dla młodzieży”, easy pieces of Polish composers – F.Chopin, K.Szymanowski, J.Garścia, W.Lutosławski, W.Kilar. wyd. PWM, Kraków 


Pieces chosen by the students and accompaniments to works for voice, violin, oboe, bassoon, flute, trumpet etc. 

Further reading

1. A.Foldes, ABC pianisty, PWM, Kraków, 1966 

2. W. Chmielowska – Z zagadnień nauczania gry na fortepianie, PWM, Kraków,1971 

3. G. Sandor –O grze na fortepianie, Wyd. Nauk. PWN, Warszawa,1994 

4. H. Neuhaus –Sztuka pianistyczna, PWM, Kraków, 1970 

5. J.Adamowski –Gra a vista na fortepianie, PWSM Wrocław,1979 

6. L. Kozakiewicz- Podstawy techniki pianistycznej, Musica Iagiellonica, Kraków 2008 

7. M. Niemira –Jak zdobyć, rozwijać i utrzymać technikę pianistyczną –Twoje Zdrowie sp.z o.o., Warszawa, 


Modified by mgr Wojciech Pruszyński (last modification: 03-05-2020 21:25)