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OS1a - Amphibians of Poland - course description

General information
Course name OS1a - Amphibians of Poland
Course ID 13.9-WB-OS2P-Pł.Pol.1-S17
Faculty Faculty of Biological Sciences
Field of study Environmental Protection
Education profile academic
Level of studies First-cycle studies leading to Bachelor's degree
Beginning semester winter term 2021/2022
Course information
Semester 2
ECTS credits to win 3
Course type obligatory
Teaching language english
Author of syllabus
  • dr hab. Bartłomiej Najbar, prof. UZ
Classes forms
The class form Hours per semester (full-time) Hours per week (full-time) Hours per semester (part-time) Hours per week (part-time) Form of assignment
Lecture 30 2 - - Credit with grade

Aim of the course

To familiarize students with the species composition of amphibians present in Poland, the main types of threats that cover this group of organisms and the need for their comprehensive protection.


Knowledge of biology and ecology at secondary level.



Characterization of all species of amphibians (hawks and tails) inhabiting the territory of Poland.

Indication of phenotypic differentiation within closely related species (and difficulties in recognizing them).

Characterization of interspecific hybrids (among trout, toads, green frogs and molluscs).

Discussion on the causes of disappearance of amphibian national populations.

Description of temporary and permanent amphibious protection methods with special regard to the use of driver information boards, protective fences, overpasses, green bridges, flyovers, various types of passageways.

Characterization of other conservation measures including methods of limiting the entry of animals into the roads, implementation of active protection, creation of replacement micro-environments, environmental compensation.

Presentation of issues related to the threat of introducing alien species into the environment.

To familiarize students with the rules of dealing with venomous and potentially dangerous species.

Laboratory classes

Recognition of all Polish amphibian species.

Identification of interspecific hybrids.

Recognition of alien species.

Get acquainted with selected elements of biology and ecology of amphibians.

Conducting treatment with potentially dangerous species.

Teaching methods

Feeding methods:

Information lectures combined with multimedia presentations

Problem methods:

problem solving combined with discussion

Practical methods:

independent laboratory work. Sampling for analysis, microscopy, identification of biological material.

Learning outcomes and methods of theirs verification

Outcome description Outcome symbols Methods of verification The class form

Assignment conditions

Laboratory: the condition of credit is to obtain positive assessments from the exercises to be performed within the laboratory program. A description of the selected species of the Polish pheasant.

Exercise: The condition of credit is to obtain positive assessments to be implemented within the program. Participation in field activities.

Examination: written, test with score thresholds. A minimum of 60% of the total prize pool is required to obtain a positive test score.

Ratings: 5 - over 84%; 4 - 75-84%, 3 - 60-74%, 2  - less than 60%.

Recommended reading

  1. Berger L.: Chrońmy europejskie żaby zielone. Fundacja Bibl. Ekol. w Poznaniu. Zakład Badań Środowiska Rolniczego i Leśnego PAN, Poznań 2008.
  2. Berger L.: Fauna słodkowodna Polski. Gady i płazy. Reptilia et Amphibia. Wyd. Nauk. PWN Warszawa-Poznań 1975.
  3. Berger L.: Płazy i gady Polski. Klucz do oznaczania. Wyd. Nauk. PWN, Warszawa-Poznań, 2000.
  4. Głowaciński Z., Sura P. (red.): Atlas płazów i gadów Polski. Status – Rozmieszczenie – Ochrona. Bibl. Monit. Środ., Warszawa-Kraków 2018.
  5. Juszczyk W.: Płazy i gady krajowe. Cz. 1-3 (wyd. 2 zmienione). Państwowe Wyd. Nauk., Warszawa 1987.
  6. Kurek R. T., Rybacki M., Sołtysiak M. Poradnik ochrony płazów. Ochrona dziko żyjących zwierząt w projektowaniu inwestycji drogowych. Problemy i dobre praktyki. St. na rzecz Wszystkich Istot. Bystra 2011.
  7.  Beukema W., Bok B., Van Der Voort J., Speybroeck J.: Field Guide to the Amphibians and Reptiles of Britain and Europe. Bloomsbury, 2016.

Further reading

  1. Blab J., Vogel H.: Płazy i gady Europy Środkowej. Wyd. Multico, Warszawa 2005.
  2. Najbar B.: Płazy i gady Polski. Wyd. Wyższa Szkoła Inż., Zielona Góra 1995.


Modified by dr hab. Bartłomiej Najbar, prof. UZ (last modification: 23-05-2021 21:52)