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OS14b - Synanthropization of plant cover - course description

General information
Course name OS14b - Synanthropization of plant cover
Course ID 13.9-WB-OS2P-sz.rośl.-S17
Faculty Faculty of Biological Sciences
Field of study Environmental Protection
Education profile academic
Level of studies First-cycle studies leading to Bachelor's degree
Beginning semester winter term 2021/2022
Course information
Semester 6
ECTS credits to win 2
Course type obligatory
Teaching language english
Author of syllabus
  • dr Dmytro Iakushenko
Classes forms
The class form Hours per semester (full-time) Hours per week (full-time) Hours per semester (part-time) Hours per week (part-time) Form of assignment
Class 15 1 - - Credit with grade
Lecture 15 1 - - Credit with grade

Aim of the course

The aim of the course is to acquire by the student theoretical and practical knowledge about the processes of synanthropization occurring in the flora and vegetation of Poland, with special emphasis on the plant cover of cities and invasions of synantropic plants on protected areas.


Basic knowledge on botany and ecology.


Synanthropization of plant cover – basic concepts. Anthropopressure. Concept of hemeroby. Classifications of the synanthropic plants. Apophytes. Neophytes. Plant invasions. Synanthropic vegetation. Anthropogenic transformation of the plant communities and vegetation complexes. Specifics on plant cover in human settlements. Urban flora.

Teaching methods

LECTURE - feeding method: in the form of a multimedia presentation.

LABORATORIES - practical: laboratory training using plant material and softwear

Learning outcomes and methods of theirs verification

Outcome description Outcome symbols Methods of verification The class form

Assignment conditions

The credit is given basing on the positive results of the written test (consists of open and closed questions; the positive result is based on a positive evaluation of a minimum 60% of the questions), and positive evaluation of the multimedia presentation on given topic. 

Recommended reading

  1. Sudnik-Wójcikowska B., Koźniewska B. 1988. Słownik z zakresu synantropizacji szaty roślinnej. Wydawnictwo UW, Warszawa.

Further reading

  1. Faliński J.B. 2004. Inwazje w świecie roślin: mechanizmy, zagrożenia, projekt badań. Phytocoenosis 16. Seminarium Geobotanicum 10: 3-31.
  2. Kornaś J., Medwecka-Kornaś A. 2002. Geografia roślin. Wydawnictwo Naukowe PWN, Warszawa.
  3. Mirek Z. 1981. Problemy klasyfikacji roślin synantropijnych. Wiadomości Botaniczne 25 (1): 45-54.
  4. Mannion A.M. 2001. Zmiany środowiska Ziemi: historia środowiska przyrodniczego i kulturowego. Wydawnictwo Naukowe PWN, Warszawa.
  5. Sukopp H. 2006. Apophytes in the flora of Central Europe. Polish Botanical Studies 22: 473-485.
  6. Tokarska-Guzik B. 2005. The Establishment and Spread of Alien Plant Species (Kenophytes) in the Flora of Poland. Wydawnictwa Uniwersytetu Śląskiego, Katowice.


Modified by dr Olaf Ciebiera (last modification: 19-05-2021 22:02)