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Psychological and pedagogical preparation for the 2nd educational stage - course description

General information
Course name Psychological and pedagogical preparation for the 2nd educational stage
Course ID 03.2-WA-P-PrzyPP-S18
Faculty Faculty of Arts
Field of study WA - oferta ERASMUS / Humanities and Arts, Music
Education profile -
Level of studies First-cycle Erasmus programme
Beginning semester winter term 2018/2019
Course information
Semester 1
ECTS credits to win 4
Course type obligatory
Teaching language polish
Author of syllabus
Classes forms
The class form Hours per semester (full-time) Hours per week (full-time) Hours per semester (part-time) Hours per week (part-time) Form of assignment
Class 30 2 - - Credit with grade

Aim of the course

Acquiring of knowledge and skills in the field of psychology and pedagogy of music as a necessary tool for the further music education, especially for a professional occupation as a music teacher in classes IV-VI at primary school; preparing for the teaching practice. 


Receiving the required credits for the first year of studies. 


Development of musical abilities of children in classes IV-VI at primary school. The role of singing for the development and music education of children against a background of selected methods and concepts of teaching music (E.J. Dalcroze, Z. Kodaly, Shinichi Suzuki). The influence of environmental, psychological, physical and musical factors on the development of vocal abilities of children: voice range, the threshold of tonal perception, a physical unison, a physiological unison, a critical interval, sensitivity, thresholds for the pitch difference. Theory of pitch hearing according to M. Garbuzow, the nature of melodic, dynamical and timbral hearing according to research and conclusions for the music education. Development stages of pitch and melodic hearing according to research and their meaning for music education in classes IV-VI. The main types of memory - music memory and general memory. Lateralization of the hemispheres. Types of intelligence and their meaning for the musical development of children, for creative thinking and acting and for the use of different forms of music education. Development of perceptional abilities, types of listeners, levels of musical understanding. 

Teaching methods

Lecture, lecture and conversation, lecture and multimedia presentation, demonstration, discussion. 

Learning outcomes and methods of theirs verification

Outcome description Outcome symbols Methods of verification The class form

Assignment conditions

The learning outcomes are being verified throughout the entire semester and in form of a test with a required number of points concerning the terminology in the area of music psychology and pedagogy as well as selected theories and concepts. Moreover the learning outcomes are being verified in class during speeches and discussion. Conditions of receiving a credit: attendance in class. Form of receiving a credit concerning the knowledge and  skills - test concerning the presented staff. The summary grade consists of the grades for the tests. 

Recommended reading

Drapeau, Ch. Jak uczyć się szybko i skutecznie, KDC, Warszawa, 2002. 

Fyk, J., Łuczak, A. (red.) Muzyka, edukacja, terapia, Zielona Góra, 2010. 

Greenfield, S. Tajemnice mózgu, Diogenes, Warszawa, 1998. 

Gordon, E.E. Umuzykalnianie niemowląt i małych dzieci. „Zamiast Korepetycji”, Kraków, 1997. 

Lewandowska, K. Rozwój zdolności muzycznych u dzieci w wieku szkolnym, Warszawa, WSiP, 1978. 

Przychodzińska, M. Wychowanie muzyczne – idee, treści, kierunki rozwoju. WSiP, Warszawa, 1990. 

Suzuki, S. Nurtured by Love. Tłum. Waltrand Suzuki, Smithtown,N.Y.: Exposition Press, 1983.
M. Jankowska, W. Jankowski (red.) Zoltan Kodaly i jego pedagogika muzyczna, WSiP, Warszawa, 

Przychodzińska-Kaciczak, M., Dziecko i muzyka, Nasza Księgarnia, Warszawa, 1950. 

Further reading

Borowiecka, R. Uczę się z Mozartem, Centrum Edukacji „ROZWÓJ”, Warszawa, 2004. 

Drobner, M. Akustyka muzyczna, PWM, Kraków, 1973.
Dryden, G, Vos, J. Rewolucja w uczeniu., Zysk i S-ka, Poznań, 2003. 

Kunowski, S. Podstawy współczesnej pedagogiki, Wydawnictwo Salezjańskie, Warszawa, 1993. Rakowski, A. Kategorialna percepcja wysokości dźwięku w muzyce, PWSM, Warszawa, 1978. Shuter-Dyson, R., Gabriel, C. Psychologia uzdolnienia muzycznego,WSiP, Warszawa, 1986. 

7. Sloboda, J.A. Umysł muzyczny, Akademia Muzyczna im. Fryderyka Chopina w Warszawie, Katedra Psychologii Muzyki, Warszawa, 2002. 


Modified by mgr Żaneta Kicińska (last modification: 07-05-2018 09:54)