Communication. Verbal, non-verbal, written communication. Communication barriers and resolving communication problems . Conditions for effective communication, communcation problems with the client or contractor. Self-presentation. Principles of effective self-presentation, self-presentation skills in the workplace. Assertiveness and practical application of assertive behavior. Team. Teams in the work environment. Team roles. Team and development phases. Team and communication. Team and problems. Effective and ineffective behavior patterns. Conflict. Sources and types of conflicts. The role of conflict. Methods of conflict management.
Metody kształcenia
Project. Exercise classes. Teamwork.
Efekty uczenia się i metody weryfikacji osiągania efektów uczenia się
Opis efektu
Symbole efektów
Metody weryfikacji
Forma zajęć
Warunki zaliczenia
The following guidelines will be used to establish the final grade for the course:
50% an proposal on some issue related to the management of interpersonal relationships, 50% classroom presentation.
Points will be distributed in the following manner:
an proposal on some issue related to the management of interpersonal relationships 100 points. Oral Presentation of Prospectus (an proposal on some issue related to the
management of interpersonal relationships) 50 points. Total Points 150 points
Grades will be administered using the standard 90% = 5, 80% = 4.5, 70% = 4, 60% = 3.5, 50%= 3.
Specifically, 150 – 135 = 5, 134 - 120 = 4.5, 119 - 105 = 4, 104 - 90 = 3.5, and 89 - 75 = 3.
Literatura podstawowa
Berger ChR. Interpersonal Communication [Internet]. Berlin: De Gruyter Mouton; 2014.
Coffelt T.A., Grauman D., Smith F.M.: Employers’ Perspectives on Workplace Communication Skills: The Meaning of Communication Skills, Business and Professional Communication Quarterly 82, no. 4 (December 1, 2019): 418–39.
Gulla A, Jha SK. Interpersonal Communication in the Age of Social Media. Review of Management [Internet]. 2019 Dec ;9(3/4):5–8.
Hynes GE. Improving Employees’ Interpersonal Communication Competencies: A Qualitative Study. Business Communication Quarterly [Internet]. 2012 Dec;75(4):466–75.
Martin C, MacDonald BH. Using interpersonal communication strategies to encourage science conversations on social media. PLoS ONE [Internet]. 2020 Nov 10;15(11):1–32.
Omar M, Hasan B, Ahmad M, Yasin A, Baharom F, Mohd H, et al.: Towards a Balanced Software Team Formation Based on Belbin Team Role using Fuzzy Technique. AIP Conference Proceedings, 2016 Aug 9;1761(1):020082-1
Literatura uzupełniająca
Central European Journal of Communication: an official journal of the Polish Communication Association.
DeKay SH. Interpersonal Communication in the Workplace: A Largely Unexplored Region. Business Communication Quarterly [Internet]. 2012 Dec ;75(4):449–52.
Janke E. M., Dumlao, R.: Developing Communication Repertoires to Address Conflict in Community Engagement Work, Journal of Higher Education Outreach and Engagement, 2019, 23(1), 35–56.
Limoncelli TA. Communicate Using the Numbers 1, 2, 3, and More: Leveraging expectations for better communication. Communications of the ACM [Internet]. 2020 Jun;63(6):42–4.
Marcusson L.: IT Project Managers' team role and sense of coherence: A pilot study i Sweden, Journal of Modern Project Management. May-Aug2018, 96-103.
Marin JR, Olekalns M, Adair W. Normatively Speaking: Do Cultural Norms Influence Negotiation, Conflict Management, and Communication? NEGOTIATION AND CONFLICT MANAGEMENT RESEARCH [Internet]. 2019 May 1;12(2):146–60.
Zmodyfikowane przez dr inż. Anna Pławiak-Mowna, prof. UZ (ostatnia modyfikacja: 12-07-2021 11:56)
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