Nazwa przedmiotu | Measurement of non-electrical quantities |
Kod przedmiotu | 06.2-WE-ELEKTD-MeasurofNon-ElecQuan-Er |
Wydział | Wydział Nauk Inżynieryjno-Technicznych |
Kierunek | Elektrotechnika |
Profil | ogólnoakademicki |
Rodzaj studiów | Program Erasmus drugiego stopnia |
Semestr rozpoczęcia | semestr zimowy 2021/2022 |
Semestr | 1 |
Liczba punktów ECTS do zdobycia | 6 |
Typ przedmiotu | obowiązkowy |
Język nauczania | angielski |
Sylabus opracował |
Forma zajęć | Liczba godzin w semestrze (stacjonarne) | Liczba godzin w tygodniu (stacjonarne) | Liczba godzin w semestrze (niestacjonarne) | Liczba godzin w tygodniu (niestacjonarne) | Forma zaliczenia |
Wykład | 30 | 2 | - | - | Egzamin |
Laboratorium | 30 | 2 | - | - | Zaliczenie na ocenę |
- familiarize students with concepts and general issues in the field of non-electrical measurements;
- familiarize students with phenomena used to construct sensors and measure non-electrical quantities;
- familiarize students with strain gauges and measurement methods: linear displacements, acceleration, forces, temperature, pressure, flow and humidity;
- shaping the ability to choose sensors and measuring systems for measuring non-electrical quantities under specified conditions;
Fundamentals of Electrical Engineering, Mathematical Analysis, Algebra, Physics
Sensor - transducer. Basic concepts. Static and dynamic characteristics of generalized quantities. Generalized admittance, inertia, susceptibility. Unified analysis of energy or power conversion in non-electrical sensors. Ideal transducer. Replacement circuit diagrams for processing. Linear displacement transducers - transformer, differential, capacitive. Laser methods of measurement of displacement. Laser meters with jet modulation. Doppler effect. Strain gauges. Tensometric phenomenon, strain gauge construction. Strain gauge bridge. Temperature compensation. Force measurement and acceleration using piezoelectric transducers. Piezoelectric - model description. Electromechanical schematic of a piezoelectric sensor. Generation of ultrasonic waves. Acceleration measurements using inertial sensors. Accelerometers with piezoresistors, capacitive in MEMS technology, hallotron, piezo. Magneostriction and magnetosimpression phenomena. Magnetic transducers for force measurement. Presidents. Generation of ultrasonic waves in magnetic transducers. Application of ultrasonic waves in echolocation and other fields. Temperature measurements. Temperature resistance dependence. Construction of thermoresistors, characteristics, measuring systems. Thermocouples. Normalization of sensors for temperature measurement. Study of dynamic characteristics. Pressure measurements. Pressure measurement methods using the elastic properties of materials. Diaphragm pressure gauges. Circular membrane equations. Silicon membranes - arrangement of piezoresistors. Metal membranes - location of strain gauges. Integrated blood pressure monitors. Flow measurements. Fluid flow phenomena by pipelines and open channels; Volume describing the fluid flow. Flow meters, induction, ultrasonic Coriollis and others. Measurement of flow rate in open channels. Moisture measurement. Absorption hygrometers. Dew point hygrometers Spectrometric hygrometers Measurement of moisture content of solids. Adsorption and desorption. Impedance methods. Spectrometric method. Microwave hygrometers.
Lecture: conventional lecture, problem lecture
Laboratory: working with source document, group work, laboratory exercises
Opis efektu | Symbole efektów | Metody weryfikacji | Forma zajęć |
Lecture: The condition of pass is to obtain positive grades from written or oral tests conducted at least once in a semester.
Laboratory: The condition of pass is to obtain positive grades from all laboratory exercises to be provided within the laboratory program.
Components of the final assessment: lecture: 50% + laboratory: 50%
Miłek M .: Electrical metrology of non-electrical quantities. Publishing House of the University of Zielona Góra, Zielona Góra, 2006. (in polish)
Sydenham P. H. (eds.): Handbook of Measurement Science, volume 2. Wiley, 1991.
Zakrzewski J .: Sensors and transducers. Problem manual. Silesian University of Technology, Gliwice, 2004.
Zmodyfikowane przez dr hab. inż. Paweł Szcześniak, prof. UZ (ostatnia modyfikacja: 12-07-2021 20:50)