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Economics of businesses - opis przedmiotu

Informacje ogólne
Nazwa przedmiotu Economics of businesses
Kod przedmiotu 14.3-WZ-BizElP-Ekonofbusin-Er
Wydział Wydział Informatyki, Elektrotechniki i Automatyki
Kierunek Biznes elektroniczny
Profil praktyczny
Rodzaj studiów Program Erasmus pierwszego stopnia
Semestr rozpoczęcia semestr zimowy 2022/2023
Informacje o przedmiocie
Semestr 1
Liczba punktów ECTS do zdobycia 3
Typ przedmiotu obowiązkowy
Język nauczania angielski
Sylabus opracował
Formy zajęć
Forma zajęć Liczba godzin w semestrze (stacjonarne) Liczba godzin w tygodniu (stacjonarne) Liczba godzin w semestrze (niestacjonarne) Liczba godzin w tygodniu (niestacjonarne) Forma zaliczenia
Wykład 15 1 - - Zaliczenie na ocenę
Ćwiczenia 30 2 - - Zaliczenie na ocenę

Cel przedmiotu

To acquaint the student with the basic concepts and issues in the field of functioning and economic conditions of various forms of enterprise: entrepreneur and the enterprise, organizational and legal forms of enterprises, fixed and current assets in the enterprise, organizational activity of the enterprise. Developing skills in understanding and analyzing examples and practical cases thematically related to the thematic scope of the subject. Business management.

Wymagania wstępne


Zakres tematyczny


Introduction to the subject, familiarization with the program of lectures, the structure of classes and the form of crediting, familiarization with the available literature related to the discussed issues, general outline of the subject matter. Traditional and electronic business: similarities and differences. Uncertainty and economic risk of the enterprise. Stages of creating a new company. The essence of management. Business plan and its structure. SWOT analysis. Similarities and differences: corporate finance, personal finance, public and EU finance. Equity and foreign capital. Fixed and current assets in the enterprise. Internal and external sources of financing business activities (including primary own funds, proceeds from sales, EU funds, bank loans, leasing, shares, bonds). Outsourcing, franchising, crowdfunding and other forms as an opportunity for entrepreneurship development. Company on the stock exchange. Investing. Derivative financial instruments market. A company in the euro area. Methods of securing the enterprise against the exchange rate risk. Business management. Foreign direct investments and the company's development strategy. Rating and rating agencies. The economic policy of the state and the functioning of the enterprise (e.g. in connection with the coronavirus). The fourth industrial revolution and its impact on the labor market. Circular movement in the economy.


Introduction to the subject, familiarization with the program of exercises, the structure of classes and the form of credit, familiarization with the available literature related to the discussed issues, a general outline of the subject matter. The essence of the enterprise and its activities. Organizational and legal forms of enterprises, types and types of enterprises. Entrepreneur and entrepreneurship. Features of the entrepreneur. Financial burdens on enterprises, taxes. Tax havens and the functioning of companies. Influence of inflation on economic activity. Microeconomics. Basics of the market functioning: demand and supply. The theory of consumer behavior. Market equilibrium. The role of prices in the economy. Product pricing policy. Basics of producer economic decisions: profit, total income, marginal income, total cost, fixed cost, variable cost, average cost, marginal cost, opportunity cost. Behavior of enterprises depending on the form of the market: enterprise in the market of perfect competition, monopolistic competition, oligopoly, monopoly. Profit maximization and cost minimization in the enterprise. The production and service structure of enterprises. Material and warehouse management as well as investment management. Employee payroll and remuneration systems. Types of working times. Employee and employer market. Financial indicators and financial statements. The domestic and international environment of the enterprise. Marketing, promotion and corporate image. Company mission and goals. Competitiveness of the enterprise. Benchmarking. Company innovations.

Metody kształcenia

Lecture - conventional lecture using a projector, "brainstorming", "exchange of ideas"
Exercises - case analysis, classical problem method, discussion and group work.

Efekty uczenia się i metody weryfikacji osiągania efektów uczenia się

Opis efektu Symbole efektów Metody weryfikacji Forma zajęć

Warunki zaliczenia

The condition for passing the lectures is an oral exam. Exercises - activity, preparation and presentation of a project on issues included in the thematic scope, as well as creating and presenting a business plan (with justification, critical look and available alternatives) for a selected emerging or existing enterprise (based on real or fictional data). Final grade = 50% of the credit for the form of classes lecture + 50% of the grade for the credit for the form of classes exercises.

Literatura podstawowa

1. Essentials of economics, P. Krugman, R. Wells K. Graddy, Worth publishers, New York 2014

2. Managerial economics and business strategy, M. Baye, McGraw-Hill Irwin, New York  2010

Literatura uzupełniająca


Zmodyfikowane przez dr Zbigniew Binek (ostatnia modyfikacja: 23-04-2022 17:14)