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Set of Subjects 2 - course description

General information
Course name Set of Subjects 2
Course ID 14.2-WP-SOCDA-FK2
Faculty Faculty of Social Sciences
Field of study Sociology
Education profile academic
Level of studies Second-cycle studies leading to MS degree
Beginning semester winter term 2020/2021
Course information
Semester 4
ECTS credits to win 3
Course type obligatory
Teaching language polish
Author of syllabus
  • dr hab. Beata Trzop, prof. UZ
Classes forms
The class form Hours per semester (full-time) Hours per week (full-time) Hours per semester (part-time) Hours per week (part-time) Form of assignment
Tutorial 30 2 - - Credit with grade

Aim of the course

The teacher's intention is to familiarize students with the selected issues of functioning of modern societies.




  1. Definitions and theoretical determinants of the subject matter.
  2. Preparation of the project - an outline of the problems and assumptions.
  3. Project preparation - operationalization.
  4. Project preparation - implementation of research.
  5. Project preparation - analysis of results.
  6. Presentation of the results.

Teaching methods

Group work, brainstorming, presentations, project.

Learning outcomes and methods of theirs verification

Outcome description Outcome symbols Methods of verification The class form

Assignment conditions

Evaluation for a comprehensive project: concept and structure of the project, theoretical and methodological preparation, query, data collection and interpretation, conducting research; correct presentation, ability to answer questions about the material presented.

Ocena końcowa z przedmiotu to ocena za projekt i jego prezentację.


Recommended reading

Each time matched to the subject matter, and the list presented at the first class.

Further reading

Each time matched to the subject matter, and the list presented at the first class.


The subject matter is adapted to the researcher's research interests.

Modified by dr Tomasz Kołodziej (last modification: 16-04-2020 09:50)