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Pre-school Pedagogy and Methodology - course description

General information
Course name Pre-school Pedagogy and Methodology
Course ID 0110-WP-PED-PPM
Faculty Faculty of Social Sciences
Field of study WNS - oferta ERASMUS / Pedagogy
Education profile -
Level of studies First-cycle Erasmus programme
Beginning semester winter term 2020/2021
Head faculty Faculty of Social Sciences
Course information
ECTS credits to win 5
Course type obligatory
Teaching language english
Author of syllabus
  • dr Agnieszka Olczak
Classes forms
The class form Hours per semester (full-time) Hours per week (full-time) Hours per semester (part-time) Hours per week (part-time) Form of assignment
Class 30 2 - - Credit with grade

Aim of the course

Acquaint students with main ideas of pre-school education in Poland, with teachers work, organize the childrens’ work in pre-school, selected methods of teaching,


Knowledge of general pedagogy, developmental psychology, general didactics, rudiments of mathematics, Polish, and children's literature.


Basic concepts in children education.

Child. Childhood. Education. Pre-school education. Pre-school pedagogy.

Nursery school functions towards children and parents.

Tutelar, educational, compensatory, and social function.

Organising conditions of pre-school education.

Functions and tasks of pre-school pedagogy. Education principles. Basic methods of educational work at nursery school. Offer style of teacher's work at nursery school. Organisational models of nursery schools.

Planning work at nursery school.

Educational activities. Activity conditions. Methods, means, effects of activities. The concept of planning. Rudiments of planning.

Task and play strategy in pre-school education.

Task in psychological, filosophical, and pedagogical approach. Types of tasks. Cildren's task-solving methods. Different aspects of play in selected theories. Types of play. Functions of play.

Co-deciding in the process of education

Decision making situations. Types of decisions. Co-deciding in edecational process at nursery school. Contracts with children..

Introducing writing to children.

Children's readiness to reading and writing. School maturity.

Traditional and alternative methods of teaching reading and writing skills.

Child and numbers

Presenting and expressing quantity relations. Adding and substracting. 


Metaphoric, imaginative thinking. Children's creativity, solving problems imaginativelly. Creative abilities.

Developmental threats to pre-school children.

Sources of threats. Types of threats. Teacher's role in preventing  developmental threats.  .

Exploring activity of pre-school children.

Conditions supporting children's exploring activity. Teacher's role. Characteristics of exploring activities.

Evaluation in pre-school education.

Explaining the concept of mark, description. Evaluation and description criteria. Recognising and knowing the child.

Teaching methods

Discussion, project, tasks, visits in kindergarten

Learning outcomes and methods of theirs verification

Outcome description Outcome symbols Methods of verification The class form

Assignment conditions

Discussion, project, tasks, visits in kindergarten

Recommended reading

1.      The System of Education in Poland, Warszawa 2012, EURYDICE.

2.      Early childhood education and care in Europe: tackling social and cultural inequalities Edukacja przedszkolna i opieka nad dzieckiem w Europie: zmniejszanie nierówności społecznych i kulturowych -

1.     Waloszek D., Playing as Children’s Natural State of Existence [in:] Selected Essays on the Condition of Polish School in the Proces of Social Change, K. Ferenz, I. Nowosad, Zielona Góra 2004.

2.     Waloszek D., Theoretical issues of Polish pre-school pedagogy [in:] Education of a young child- reflections, problems, experiences, A. Nowak-Łojewska, A. Olczak, A. Soroka-Fedorczuk, Zielona Góra 2009.

Further reading

1.      Olczak A., Kindergarten as a place of educating for democracy[in:] Education of a young child- reflections, problems, experiences, A. Nowak-Łojewska, A. Olczak, A. Soroka-Fedorczuk, Zielona Góra 2009.

2.      Jablonský T., Cooperative learning – an alternative form of education. “Problemy Wczesnej Edukacji” 2008, nr 2(8).


The subject can be run every semester, in case there is not enough persons to make a group there will be individual class run during instructor hours.

Modified by dr Jarosław Wagner (last modification: 08-07-2020 17:58)