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Internet of things - course description

General information
Course name Internet of things
Course ID 11.3--INFP-IP-Er
Faculty Faculty of Computer Science, Electrical Engineering and Automatics
Field of study Computer Science
Education profile academic
Level of studies First-cycle Erasmus programme
Beginning semester winter term 2022/2023
Course information
Semester 6
ECTS credits to win 5
Course type optional
Teaching language english
Author of syllabus
  • dr inż. Emil Michta, prof. UZ
Classes forms
The class form Hours per semester (full-time) Hours per week (full-time) Hours per semester (part-time) Hours per week (part-time) Form of assignment
Project 15 1 - - Credit with grade
Laboratory 15 1 - - Credit with grade
Lecture 30 2 - - Credit with grade

Aim of the course

  • familiarizing students with the basics of construction, functioning, and areas of application of the Internet of Things (IoT),

  • familiarizing students with communication architecture and selected communication protocols used in IoT,

  • shaping basic skills among students in configuring and programming nodes to work in IoT.


Computer networks, wireless networks, databases.


The evolution of computer networks. Technical basics of the internet. IoT concept. Introduction to IoT architecture. IoT communication and functional structure. Configuring and ensuring security in IoT. Examples of applications and interoperability of IoT architecture in various topologies. Wireless sensor networks. IoT hubs and gateways. Cloud Computing in IoT. Cloud computing. Basics of cloud computing, servers and services in the cloud. IoT and integration with cloud computing services. Microsoft Azure platform in cloud computing tasks. Using selected possibilities of the Microsoft Azure platform. Sharing and subscribing to selected services. Construction of IT applications using selected services and integrating IT systems in the Internet of Things. The evolution of IoT architecture. Areas of application for the Internet of Things: smart city, smart grid, smart building, smart health. Directions for further development, requirements, and organizations.

Teaching methods

wykład: dyskusja, konsultacje, wykład konwencjonalny,

laboratorium: dyskusja, konsultacje, praca w grupach, ćwiczenia laboratoryjne,

projekt: dyskusja, konsultacje, praca w grupach, metoda projektu.

Learning outcomes and methods of theirs verification

Outcome description Outcome symbols Methods of verification The class form

Assignment conditions

Wykład - warunkiem zaliczenia jest uzyskanie pozytywnej oceny z egzaminu pisemnego,

Laboratorium - warunkiem zaliczenia jest uzyskanie pozytywnych ocen ze wszystkich ćwiczeń laboratoryjnych, przewidzianych do realizacji w ramach programu laboratorium,

Projekt – warunkiem zaliczenia jest wykonanie zadania projektowego zleconego przez prowadzącego zajęcia.

Składowe oceny końcowej = wykład: 40% + laboratorium: 30% + projekt 30%.

Recommended reading

  1. Guinard D.D.: Internet rzeczy. Helion, 2017.
  2. Hanes D. i inni: IoT Fundamentals: Networking Technologies, Protocols, and Use Cases. Cisco, 2017.
  3. Lobel L., Boyd E. D., Microsoft Azure SQL Database. Krok po kroku, Helion, 2014. 
  4. Fryźlewicz Z., Nikończuk D., Windows Azure. Wprowadzenie do programowania w chmurze, Helion, 2012.
  5. Rosenberg J., Mateos A., Chmura obliczeniowa. Rozwiązania dla biznesu, Helion 2011.
  6. Vermesan O., Friess P., Internet of things: converging technologies for smart environments and integrated ecosystems. River Publishers, 2013.
  7. Zhou H., The Internet of Things in the Cloud: A Middleware Perspective, CRC Press, 2013.

Further reading

  1. Internet Rzeczy. Ogólnodostępna książka o tematyce IoT:
  2. Chu-Carroll M., Google App Engine. Kod w chmurze, Helion 2012.
  3. Monk S., Raspberry Pi. Receptury, Helion, 2014.
  4. Miller M., Internet rzeczy. PWN, 2016.


Modified by dr inż. Emil Michta, prof. UZ (last modification: 14-04-2022 21:38)