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United States: History and Contemporary - course description

General information
Course name United States: History and Contemporary
Course ID 08.3-WH-FAP-US1-Ć-14_genUGMUD
Faculty Faculty of Humanities
Field of study English Philology
Education profile academic
Level of studies First-cycle studies leading to Bachelor's degree
Beginning semester winter term 2022/2023
Course information
Semester 2
ECTS credits to win 2
Course type obligatory
Teaching language english
Author of syllabus
  • dr hab. Marek Smoluk, prof. UZ
  • dr hab. Leszek Szymański, prof. UZ
Classes forms
The class form Hours per semester (full-time) Hours per week (full-time) Hours per semester (part-time) Hours per week (part-time) Form of assignment
Class 30 2 18 1,2 Credit

Aim of the course

Po zrealizowaniu materiału słuchacz powinien potrafić nazywać i rozróżniać regiony Stanów Zjednoczonych, rozróżniać instytucje tego kraju oraz znać podstawowe pojęcia związane z kulturą USA.


Znajomość języka angielskiego umożliwiająca uczestnictwo w zajęciach.


Geography of the United States. Regions.

States and Territories.

Selected Cities.

The Constitution of the United States.

The Bill of Rights.

Amendments to the Constitution.

Levels of Civil Administration/Organization in the United States.

Legal System.

Constitutionality. Civil/Criminal and Federal/State Law.


Politics, Political Parties and Elections.

Congress, Branches of Government and Division of Powers.  

Education in the United States: K-12 and University.

Sports in the U.S.

Public and Private Sector

The Press / The Mass Media

The Economy and the Economic System.

Transport, Logistics, Resources and Industries.

American Identity: Race and Ethnicity in the United States.

The Concept of “American.”

Separation of Church and State.

Religion in the United States.

Hard Power. The U.S. Military.

Soft Power. American Culture and Pop/Popular Culture.

Americanization. (Internal and External).

Teaching methods

Wykład, w tym także wykład konwersatoryjny, dyskusja, w tym także dyskusja panelowa i punktowana, prezentacja studentów na wybrany temat.

Learning outcomes and methods of theirs verification

Outcome description Outcome symbols Methods of verification The class form

Assignment conditions

1. Regularne uczęszczanie na zajęcia, zarówno na ćwiczenia i wykłady.

2. Aktywne uczestnictwo w zajęciach.

3. Wykonanie zleconych zadań.

4. Pozytywny wynik testu zaliczeniowego.

Recommended reading

  1. The United States Constitution. 
  2. Richard D. Heffner, A Documentary History of the United States, New York, NY, 2009.
  3. United States Information Agency, An Outline of American Government.
  4. Wayne J. Urban and Jennings L. Wagoner Jr., American Education, A History, New York, NY, 2009.

Further reading


Modified by dr hab. Marek Smoluk, prof. UZ (last modification: 12-04-2022 12:27)