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Choir - course description

General information
Course name Choir
Course ID 03.2-WA-P-Cho-S22
Faculty Faculty of Arts
Field of study WA - oferta ERASMUS / Humanities and Arts, Music
Education profile -
Level of studies First-cycle Erasmus programme
Beginning semester winter term 2022/2023
Course information
Semester 1
ECTS credits to win 3
Course type optional
Teaching language english
Author of syllabus
Classes forms
The class form Hours per semester (full-time) Hours per week (full-time) Hours per semester (part-time) Hours per week (part-time) Form of assignment
Class 60 4 - - Credit with grade

Aim of the course

1. Learning how to work with a large vocal ensemble and a vocal-instrumental ensemble

2. Learning choral works of various periods 

3. Developing the choral singing technique. 

4. Enabling practical exercises on conducting and independent work on the preparation of the
interpretation of chosen works.

5. Acquiring knowledge and skills concerning the shaping of the sound of separate choral voices. 


The ability of note-reading. 


1. Preparing works for 2-, 3- and 4-voice-choirs consisting of equal and mixed voices.
2. Preparing works of various periods and styles.
3. Preparing a cappella and vocal-instrumental works.
4. Learning how a choral conductor works.
5. Creating the organisational structure of the choir.
6. Developing the ability of using different dynamics, articulation and phrasing according to the style of the performed works.
7. Performing the tasks of a choir assistant.
8. Preparing a repertoire that enables the choir to take part in events, concerts, competitions and final examinations for conductors. 

Teaching methods

Work in a large group as well as in small groups - section rehearsals. 

Learning outcomes and methods of theirs verification

Outcome description Outcome symbols Methods of verification The class form

Assignment conditions

Learning the staff done in the class, taking part in concerts, taking part in the class. The skills will be verified during the class and individual rehearsals. 

Recommended reading

Utwory na chór mieszany a cappella pochodzących z różnych epok i stylów kompozytorów polskich i obcych.

Utwory wokalno-instrumentalne: na chór i fortepian; na chór i organy; na chór i zespól instrumentalny; na chór i orkiestrę (kameralną, symfoniczną).

Further reading

1. Bukofzer M., Muzyka w epoce baroku. Od Monteverdiego do Bacha, Warszawa (PWN) 1970.

2. Harnoncourt N., Muzyka mową dźwięków, Warszawa (Fundacja Ruchu Muzycznego) 1982.

3. Kowalska M., ABC historii muzyki, Kraków (Musica Iagellonica) 2001.

4. Dahlhaus C., Eggebrecht H., Co to jest muzyka?, Warszawa 1985.

5. Homiński J., Wilkowska – Chomińska K., Formy muzyczne: t. V, Wielkie formy muzyczne, Kraków 1984.

6. Laprus L., Rozśpiewanie chóru, Legnica 1980.

7. Bristiger M., Związki muzyki ze słowem, Kraków (PWM) 1986.


Modified by mgr Wojciech Pruszyński (last modification: 11-04-2022 13:46)