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Real-time systems - course description

General information
Course name Real-time systems
Course ID 11.3-WE-AutP-RTS-Er
Faculty Faculty of Computer Science, Electrical Engineering and Automatics
Field of study Automatic Control and Robotics
Education profile academic
Level of studies Erasmus programme
Beginning semester winter term 2017/2018
Course information
Semester 6
ECTS credits to win 3
Course type obligatory
Teaching language english
Author of syllabus
  • dr inż. Robert Szulim
Classes forms
The class form Hours per semester (full-time) Hours per week (full-time) Hours per semester (part-time) Hours per week (part-time) Form of assignment
Lecture 15 1 - - Exam
Laboratory 30 2 - - Credit with grade

Aim of the course

To familiarize with the basics of design and operation of real-time systems.

To shape basic skills in the use of selected information technologies used in real-time systems.


Computer systems architecture, Operating systems and computer networks I i II.


Real-time systems fundamentals: Real-time system definition. Features and basic properties of
real-time systems. RT systems architectures. Universal model of RT system.

Real-time operating systems. RTOS system classification. Ideas of RT operating systems construction. POSIX norm. Examples of RT operating systems.

Inter-process communication: Sending and receiving operation. Creating and killing of processes.
Creating of child processes. Process synchronization. 

Concurrent processing in real time applications. Basic thread operations such as thread creation, launch and stop, parameter passing, and priority control. Exchange data between threads and synchronizing access to shared resources. Programmable synchronization techniques such as semaphores, mutexes, and monitors. Pathologies of concurrent processing: race, deadlock, and starvation.

The use of communication interfaces to communicate with other devices and systems in real time. The issue of using blocking operations in receiving data and their impact on meeting a specific time limit.

Cyclic program execution routines - timers. Features of timers, time dependencies and differences with threads.

Issues of integration of real time systems with Internet resources and database systems.

Teaching methods

Lecture, laboratory exercises, team work, project.

Learning outcomes and methods of theirs verification

Outcome description Outcome symbols Methods of verification The class form

Assignment conditions

Lecture – the main condition to get a pass are sufficient marks in written or oral tests conducted at least once per semester.

Laboratory – the condition of passing is obtaining positive grades from all laboratory subjects according to the program of the laboratory.

Calculation of the final grade: lecture 40% + laboratory 60%

Recommended reading

1. Chang A.M.K.: Real-time systems. Scheduling, Analysis and Verification. Wiley&Sons, 2005.

2. Li Q.: Real-time Concepts for Embedded Systems. CMP Books, 2006.

3. Liu W.S.:Real-time systems. Wiley&Sons, 2005

Further reading

1. Wei L., Matthews C., Parziale L., Rosselot N., Davis C., Forrester J., Britt D., TCP/IP Tutorial and Technical Overview, An IBM Redbooks publication, 2006

2. Ullman Jeffrey D., Widom Jennifer, A First Course in Database Systems, Pearson Prentice Hall, 2008

3. Carver R., Tai K.: Modern multithreading, Wiley Publications, 2006


Modified by dr inż. Robert Szulim (last modification: 02-05-2017 15:35)