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Introduction to voice training - course description

General information
Course name Introduction to voice training
Course ID 03.2-WA-P-WdEG-S18
Faculty Faculty of Arts
Field of study WA - oferta ERASMUS / Humanities and Arts, Music
Education profile -
Level of studies First-cycle Erasmus programme
Beginning semester winter term 2018/2019
Course information
Semester 1
ECTS credits to win 3
Course type obligatory
Teaching language polish
Author of syllabus
Classes forms
The class form Hours per semester (full-time) Hours per week (full-time) Hours per semester (part-time) Hours per week (part-time) Form of assignment
Class 15 1 - - Credit with grade

Aim of the course

Acquiring the theoretical knowledge required for the work as a teacher, instructor etc., connected with the use of voice as a basic working tool. Learning the basic techniques of voice production in singing and speech enabling to protect the voice against occupational diseases. Acquiring the knowledge of the abnormalities and risks connected with the voice organ. Acquiring the basic knowledge concerning the voice production. 


A pass received during the entrance examination. 


1. Theoretical knowledge concerning:
 a) the voice as a music instrument
b) the voice production – definition, the main principles and problems
c) larynx as a source of sound
d) breathing (the respiratory system, the mechanism of breathing, apoggio)
e) resonance (resonators and the types of resonance)
f) the voice hygiene and abnormalities 

2. Work on development of the correct habits concerning: a) the phonation
b) the breathing 

3. A correct performance of the following works during the semester (a minimum):
a) G. Concone, Szkoła śpiewu op.9 – 3 exercises
b) N. Vaccai, Szkoła śpiewu – 3 exercises
c) two various works (song, popular song, carol) 

Teaching methods

Exercises, demonstration, work with a book. 

Learning outcomes and methods of theirs verification

Outcome description Outcome symbols Methods of verification The class form

Assignment conditions

Assessment criteria: active participation in class, a written test to verify the acquired theoretical knowledge. A correct preparing of the required number of pieces. 

Recommended reading

Sobierajska H., Uczymy się śpiewać, Warszawa 1972
Sipowicz J., Ja i mój głos, 2009
Tarasiewicz B. Mówię i śpiewam świadomie, Kraków 2003 G.Concone – Ćwiczenia na głos z fortepianem op.9, Kraków 1974 N. Vaccai – Praktyczna metoda włoskiego śpiewu, Kraków 1986 

Further reading

Martienssen-Lohmann F., Kształcenie głosu śpiewaka, Kraków 1953 Zarys higieny głosu , red. S. Klajman, Gdańsk 1975
Bregy E., Elementy techniki wokalnej, Warszawa 1974 


Modified by mgr Żaneta Kicińska (last modification: 07-05-2018 09:58)