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Technological Processes - opis przedmiotu

Informacje ogólne
Nazwa przedmiotu Technological Processes
Kod przedmiotu 06.9-WM-MaPE-P-TechProc-23
Wydział Wydział Mechaniczny
Kierunek Management and Production Engineering
Profil ogólnoakademicki
Rodzaj studiów pierwszego stopnia z tyt. inżyniera
Semestr rozpoczęcia semestr zimowy 2023/2024
Informacje o przedmiocie
Semestr 5
Liczba punktów ECTS do zdobycia 6
Typ przedmiotu obowiązkowy
Język nauczania angielski
Sylabus opracował
  • dr inż. Julian Jakubowski, prof. UZ
Formy zajęć
Forma zajęć Liczba godzin w semestrze (stacjonarne) Liczba godzin w tygodniu (stacjonarne) Liczba godzin w semestrze (niestacjonarne) Liczba godzin w tygodniu (niestacjonarne) Forma zaliczenia
Wykład 15 1 - - Egzamin
Laboratorium 45 3 - - Zaliczenie na ocenę

Cel przedmiotu

Mastering knowledge and skills in the field of: designing technological processes, manufacturing systems and production processes; selection of the process and technology depending on the material, shape, function and size of the production batch, design of the production structure depending on the production volume, development of documentation related to the production flow.

Wymagania wstępne

Basic knowledge in the field of: manufacturing techniques, materials science, workshop metrology, engineering graphics.

Zakres tematyczny


  1. Basic concepts: economic, production, manufacturing, technological process, productivity, product, production environment. Classifications of production processes.
  2. Manufacturing system and its organization. Product and its features: functional, functional, commercial.
  3. Product quality. The manufacturing process and the characteristics that characterize it.
  4. Principles of rational organization of the production process. Characteristics of manufacturing techniques due to the obtained characteristics of the product. Objectives pursued in the manufacturing process: giving shape, obtaining the desired structure of the material, obtaining the properties of the surface layer, obtaining aesthetic effects, obtaining specific physical or chemical properties, combining elements into a functional whole (assembly).
  5. Examples of selected production processes in various fields of technology. Basic processes and technologies for the conversion of various forms of energy. . Elements of product cost accounting.
  6. Design of production systems due to the type of production (unit, serial, mass).
  7. Forms of organization of the technological and production process (group technology). Technological and subject specialization. Controlling the production flow and related documentation.
  8. Flexible manufacturing automation. Functional structure of the manufacturing process – examples. Technological process planning. Process planning: production sizes, efficiency.
  9. The process of developing a new product and technology.
  10. Standardization, ISO 10303.
  11. Virtualization of generation Modeling and simulation of selected technological processes.
  12. Traditional and integrated production preparation cycle. Modern technologies of modern production systems.
  13. Computer Manufacturing Integration - CIM.
  14. Modern manufacturing techniques: RE, RP, RT.
  15. Improvement of production processes. Process mapping, application of SPC.



L1-L5 Designing a technological process in a traditional system: analysis of the technologicality of execution, material analysis, preparation of technological documentation, design of the manufacturing system for a given size of the production batch.

L6-10 Design of the shaft technological process in the CAM system

L11-L13 Design of the technological process of body parts in CAM systems

L14  Comparative analysis of the process performed in the traditional system and in the CAM system.

L15 Presentation of prepared projects of technological processes.

Metody kształcenia

Lecture with the use of multimedia presentations

Laboratory: work in the AlphaCAM system, work out of technological process

Efekty uczenia się i metody weryfikacji osiągania efektów uczenia się

Opis efektu Symbole efektów Metody weryfikacji Forma zajęć

Warunki zaliczenia

Lecture: the exam for written assessment includes verification of knowledge of the content presented during the lectures.

Laboratory: passing for evaluation, based on the components of evaluations from the technological processes carried out and the presentation of the project for the selected product.

Final grade in the subject: weighted average: Exam 0.6 + Laboratory 0.4

Literatura podstawowa

  1. Thompson Rob. Manufacturing processes for design profesaionals.  Thames&Hudson Ltd. London 2010.
  2. Cornelius T. Leondes Computer Aided and Integrated Manufacturing Systems, Volume 4: Computer Aided Design Computer Aided Manufacturing (CAD CAM) World Scientific Publishing Company, 2003
  3. Knox, Charles S CAD/CAM systems planning and implementation. Series: Mechanical engineering (Marcel Dekker Inc.), Publisher: M. Dekker, New York, 201. 7


Literatura uzupełniająca


Zmodyfikowane przez dr inż. Julian Jakubowski, prof. UZ (ostatnia modyfikacja: 10-05-2023 19:21)