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Wykład monograficzny IC - Psychology of Health and Ability Loss and Recovery - course description

General information
Course name Wykład monograficzny IC - Psychology of Health and Ability Loss and Recovery
Course ID 14.4-WZS-AKTASM-WMPoHaFLaR1C-S21
Faculty Faculty of Social Sciences
Field of study Psychology
Education profile academic
Level of studies Long-cycle studies leading to MS degree
Beginning semester winter term 2022/2023
Course information
Semester 10
ECTS credits to win 2
Available in specialities Psychologia edukacyjna i wychowawcza, Psychologia kliniczna, Psychologia pracy, organizacji i zarządzania, Psychoseksuologia
Course type optional
Teaching language english
Author of syllabus
  • dr Sławomir Piotr Baranowski
Classes forms
The class form Hours per semester (full-time) Hours per week (full-time) Hours per semester (part-time) Hours per week (part-time) Form of assignment
Lecture 15 1 9 0,6 Credit with grade

Aim of the course

Exploring concepts of health and disease at an anatomical, cultural/societal, economic and personal level. Reviewing functional and psychological strategies for coping with the loss of health, as well as the process of functional and psychological recovery. Facilitating understanding of personal and profesional revalidation process.



General knowledge of human and clinical psychology


Exploring the personal and social meanings of terms: health, abilities, illness, loss, impairment vs. disability, functional and vocational recovery. Analysing the process of defining one’s self-worth, through the lens of own abilities. Experiencing a long-term illness and the resulting loss of functional abilities and often one's own identify. The process of re-defining oneself through functional recovery and/or substitution of function. Differentiating between disability and impairment. Experiencing a life with a disability while overcoming impairment(s).  Experiencing external and internal destigmatising, as well as personal and social re-integration.  Dreaming big despite disability, redefining one’s sense of fulfillment and success in personal life an vocational pursuits. Exploring internal and external support systems.

Teaching methods

Lecture, web resources, discussion.

Learning outcomes and methods of theirs verification

Outcome description Outcome symbols Methods of verification The class form

Assignment conditions

The final mark is based on a either of:

- an oral examination in the form of a presentation demonstrating students's understanding of the issues explored during the semester

- a written dissertation on a selected topic covered during the studies

- a multiple-choice test results.  The standard test structure is as follows: 60% closed single-choice questions, 40% open questions allowing students to provide narrative answers. All questions are formulated based on material/topics covered during the lecture.  The test score is translated into the final mark based on the following calculation: passing mark - 60%; 60-64% - 3,0; 65-69% - 3,25; 70-74% - 3,5; 75-79% - 3,75; 80-84% - 4,0; 85-89% - 4,25; 90-94% - 4,5; 95-97% - 4,75; 98-100% - 5,0.


Individual mark can be increased based on a student's participation in discussion, case study and/or other in-class projects.

Recommended reading

1.     Clough, Walter, S. (2016) The human body. Its function in health and disease. ICA Education Series.

2.     Parker, Randal, M., Szymanski, Edna, Mora. (2014) Rehabilitation Counselling. ProEd Texas, USA.

3.     Dyck, Diane, E.G. Disability Management. (2003) Theory and Industry Practice. Butterworth, Ontario.

4.     Kingwell, Mark, Better living. (1998) In pursuit of happiness from Plato to Prozac. Penguin Books Canada.

5.     Hawkins, David, R. (2014) Healing and Recovery. Hay House Inc.

Further reading

TED Talks (, current literature, other materials self-identified or suggested by the lecturer.


Modified by dr inż. Anna Góralewska-Słońska (last modification: 30-04-2022 11:41)