
Environmental Engineering
Second-cycle studies leading to MSc degree
Beginning semester: summer term (2019/2020)

Semester 1
Form of classes - Hours (full-time/part-time) ECTS Exam Selectable
Alternative sources of energy Lecture (15/9), Class (15/9) 2 No No
Applied ecology Lecture (30/18), Laboratory (15/9) 4 No No
Elements of mathematical statistics in environmental engineering Lecture (15/9), Laboratory (30/18) 4 No No
Spatial Planning Lecture (15/9), Project (15/9) 2 No No
Waste to energy Lecture (30/18) 3 Yes No
Water and Sewage in Industry Lecture (30/18), Laboratory (30/18) 6 Yes No
Water Protection Lecture (30/18), Project (30/18) 3 No No
przedmiot modułowy - M II
Computer simulation of hydraulic systems

Available in specialities: Sanitary Fittings

Laboratory (30/18) 3 No No
przedmiot modułowy - M I
Computer-aided design of wastewater treatment plant

Available in specialities: Water Supply, Sewage and Waste Neutralization

Laboratory (30/18) 3 No No
przedmiot modułowy - M III
Environmental toxicology II

Available in specialities: Inżynieria ekologiczna

Lecture (15/9), Laboratory (15/9) 3 Yes No
Konstrukcje inżynierskie w ochronie przyrody

Available in specialities: Inżynieria ekologiczna

Lecture (15/9), Project (15/9) 3 No No
przedmiot modułowy - M I
Optimization of water and wastewater treatment systems

Available in specialities: Water Supply, Sewage and Waste Neutralization

Lecture (15/9), Laboratory (15/9) 3 Yes No
przedmiot modułowy - M II
The network and gas installations

Available in specialities: Sanitary Fittings

Lecture (15/9), Project (15/9) 3 Yes No
Semester 2
Form of classes - Hours (full-time/part-time) ECTS Exam Selectable
Automation and process control in environmental engineering Lecture (15/9), Project (15/9) 2 No No
English language in environmental engineering Lecture (30/18) 2 No No
Environment Monitoring Lecture (15/9), Project (15/9) 2 No No
German language in environmental engineering Lecture (30/18) 2 No No
Graduate Seminar Seminar (15/9) 1 No No
Heating, ventilation and air-conditioning II Lecture (15/9), Project (15/9) 4 Yes No
Problems of Mass and Heat Flow Lecture (15/9), Class (15/9) 2 No No
przedmiot modułowy - M I
Advanced technologies in environmental engineering

Available in specialities: Water Supply, Sewage and Waste Neutralization

Lecture (15/9), Project (30/18) 5 Yes No
przedmiot modułowy - M II
Energy optimization of heat sources

Available in specialities: Sanitary Fittings

Lecture (15/9), Project (30/18) 5 Yes No
przedmiot modułowy - M III
Konstrukcja obiektów ziemnych

Available in specialities: Inżynieria ekologiczna

Lecture (15/9), Project (15/9) 3 No No
Natural resources management

Available in specialities: Inżynieria ekologiczna

Lecture (15/9), Laboratory (30/18) 3 No No
Obiekty hydrotechniczne

Available in specialities: Inżynieria ekologiczna

Lecture (15/9), Project (30/18) 4 Yes No
przedmiot modułowy - M I
Odnowa wody

Available in specialities: Water Supply, Sewage and Waste Neutralization

Lecture (30/18), Laboratory (15/9) 4 Yes No
Przygotowanie i prowadzenie inwestycji komunalnych

Available in specialities: Water Supply, Sewage and Waste Neutralization

Lecture (15/9), Project (30/18) 3 No No
przedmiot modułowy - M III
Rekultywacja terenów miejskich i przemysłowych / Oczyszczanie środowiska gruntowo-wodnego

Available in specialities: Inżynieria ekologiczna

Lecture (15/9), Project (30/18) 5 Yes No
Rewitalizacja cieków i zbiorników wodnych

Available in specialities: Inżynieria ekologiczna

Lecture (15/9), Project (15/9) 2 No No
przedmiot modułowy - M II
Selected sections plumbing

Available in specialities: Sanitary Fittings

Lecture (15/9), Project (30/18) 4 Yes No
Transition project (water supply-sewerage, heating-air conditioning)

Available in specialities: Sanitary Fittings

Project (30/18) 3 No No
przedmiot modułowy - M I
Transition project (water treatment, wastewater treatment)

Available in specialities: Water Supply, Sewage and Waste Neutralization

Project (30/18) 3 No No
przedmiot modułowy - M II
Trenchless methods in the construction and renovation of external networks

Available in specialities: Sanitary Fittings

Lecture (30/18), Class (15/9) 3 No No
przedmiot modułowy - M I
Waste to energy II

Available in specialities: Water Supply, Sewage and Waste Neutralization

Project (30/18) 2 No No
przedmiot modułowy - M II
Zarządzanie wodami opadowymi

Available in specialities: Sanitary Fittings

Lecture (15/9), Project (15/9) 2 No No
Semester 3
Form of classes - Hours (full-time/part-time) ECTS Exam Selectable
Balanced Energy Management Lecture (15/9) 2 No No
Diploma Thesis Project (0/0) 12 No No
Environment management Lecture (15/9), Project (30/18) 3 No No
Graduate Seminar Seminar (15/9) 3 No No
Man and the environment Lecture (30/18) 2 No No
Reliability and safety of engineering systems Lecture (15/9) 2 No No
The subject of the social sciences Lecture (30/18) 2 No No
Thesis Research Laboratory (15/9) 3 No No
przedmiot modułowy - M II
Associated management in heating technology

Available in specialities: Sanitary Fittings

Lecture (15/9) 1 No No
przedmiot modułowy - M I
Implementation technology of environmental engineering in industry

Available in specialities: Water Supply, Sewage and Waste Neutralization

Seminar (15/9) 1 No No
przedmiot modułowy - M III
Uzbrojenie techniczne terenów zieleni

Available in specialities: Inżynieria ekologiczna

Lecture (15/9) 1 No No